Origins of Albanian language and ethnos

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  • TrueMacedonian

    Legend of Jabal-i Alhama

    Travelling through southern Albania in 1670, Ottoman traveller Evliya Chelebi (1611-1684) recounts the apocryphal legend of the Arab sheikh Jabal-i Alhama, who fled to the mountains of Kurvelesh in Albania and died in Elbasan. According to Evliya, he is the father of the Albanian people.

    The origin and lineage of the Albanian people. They stem from the Quraysh tribe, the Arab tribe inhabiting Mecca. By God’s wisdom, a certain Arab sheikh named Jabal-i Alhama, one of their clan chieftains, accidentally put out the eye of an Arab bey. The Arab bey who lost his eye went to the caliph Omar and demanded that Jabal-i Alhama’s eye be put out in accordance with the definitive Koranic verse, “And We prescribed for them a life for a life and an eye for an eye.” In accordance with the Book of God, Omar ordered that Jabal-i Alhama’s eye be put out. Jabal-i Alhama, terrified that he would be blinded, fled to Antioch, accompanied by 3,000 of his tribesmen, and sought refuge with king Heraclius. The king gave him the Jabaliyya mountains, so-called because Jabal settled there. One of Jabal-i Alhama’s brothers, Keysu, dwelt in the Aneh and Selme desert and the Keys Arabs are named after him. After Hulagu martyred al-Mustansir-bi’allah, the last Abbasid caliph, and destroyed Baghdad (656 A.H.[1258 A.D.]), he drove out the Keys Arabs and forced them to settle in the oak forests of the Kipchak Steppe. From them stem the Cherakis Arabs who started speaking a language of their own. It was thus that the Cherkess or Circassian people came into being - they were originally Keys Arabs of the Quraysh tribe. Meanwhile, another clan related to Jabal-i Alhama fled from Mecca and settled in Gaza with Arab al-Hashim, the uncle of the Prophet Mohammed. This is how the Hashemite people came into being.

    When Omar learned that Jabal-i Alhama had taken refuge with King Heraclius and had apostasized from Islam, he sent an expedition against him of 40,000 Muslim warriors, led by Omar ibn Abdalaziz, Khalid ibn Walid and Aswad ibn Miqdad. Jabal-i Alhama could no longer hold out in the fortress he had built in Jabaliyya, so he fled with all his followers to the Aegean islands. His three sons, Abaza, Lazka and Migral, fled by fair weather to the Genoese king living in ‘Macedonia,’ i.e. Galata in Istanbul. The king gave them grazing lands on the coast of the Black Sea. Abaza settled in the Abkhaz mountains where his people started speaking a language of their own, becoming the Abhazians. Lazka settled in the region of Trebizond where his people started speaking a language of their own - known as Chichu - and became the Laz people. The third son, Migral settled in the sandjak of Batumi on the banks of the Choruh river, which flows below of the fortress of Gönye, and thus the Mingrelian people came into being.

    As for Jabal-i Alhama himself, fearing the caliph Omar, he was unable to settle anywhere. Finally, travelling by ship, he took refuge with the king of Spain. When they told him that they were of the tribe of Quraysh, the king gave him the uninhabited mountains of Delvina, mentioned above. After some generations, they populated those rugged mountains and started speaking a language of their own. So as not to have their eyes put out, they used to say, “‘ār-nā-būd (“May there be no shame.”). But since they stemmed from the Quraysh tribe, they called the mountains they now occupied the Quryelesh (Kurvelesh) mountains, meaning Qurayshi. They are a ruthless people. It is they who sold their services to Venice for one gold coin a day and who always fought us in Candia. Despite this, they still claim to be Muslims. They are indeed brave and capable warriors. Such is the origin and descent of the obstreperous Albanians. Jabal-i Alhama subsequently died as a Muslim in the city of Elbasan. In the Tuhfa history, there is extensive information on this tribe. This clan of Quraysh actually do look like Arabs, and in addition to all their other weapons, they do use bows and arrows.

    [Extract from: Robert Dankoff and Robert Elsie (ed.): Evliya Çelebi in Albania and Adjacent Regions (Kosovo, Montenegro, Ohrid), Leiden 2000, p. 65-67. Translated from the Ottoman Turkish by Robert Elsie and Robert Dankoff.]

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    replied As can be seen, particular attention is given to the Slavonic elements in the Romanian language, which have gradually been replaced with Italian or French substitutes since the 19th century. In accordance with the estimations cited above, approx. 80% of Romanian vocabulary

    Romanian seems like Maltese in some respects. The Maltese language is identifiable as Semitic by way of its grammar, just like Romanian is identified as Latin in the same way - and even then, both of their grammars are heavily influenced by other languages. However, around half of the vocabulary in both Maltese and Romanian is of non-Semitic and non-Latin origin respectively.
    I posted this on another thread. I would like to see if we can determine the grammar of which linguistic group is closest to Albanian.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Slovak, I understand that there can be some minor differences, but I think all of the examples in that link could be grouped in two 'broader' categories:

    1 - There are a couple sounds one could apply for the soft 'r' in American English, the sound of here and rob are slightly different but still of the soft type, at least that is how I see them.

    2- Compare that to the rolled 'r' from Slavic languages in words like 'ruski', 'roden', etc. This sound occurs when the tongue touches the top of the mouth. Interestingly, while this sound doesn't exist for 'r' in American English, it can sometimes be seen in words that have 'tt', like butter.

    The Balkan languages (and eastern European languages in general) only have category #2. The only exception is Albanian, which has both. I am wondering if this has something to do with influence from Germanic languages.

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  • Delodephius
    American English has a few dialects, I don't know enough about them to say which one pronounce the r as in 'here' the way SoM is inquiring.
    Last edited by Delodephius; 08-18-2011, 06:10 PM.

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  • Risto the Great
    I think the "r" SoM is talking about sounds like the way Americans would pronounce "r" in "here".

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  • Delodephius
    Here are examples of various pronunciations of r (click listen):

    I cannot find a sound file for palatalized r, or more precisely a palatalized alveolar trill /rʲ/. It was one of the hardest sounds to reproduce in my Russian class.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    When I say soft 'r', I mean as in mod. English 'rob', as opposed to Scottish 'rob'. In Hindi both sounds exist, whereas in the Balkan languages, only the latter exists (except for Albanian which has both, and possibly Romani - but not sure about that one). So I guess it relates to the retroflex . How does the palatalized ŕ differ from the above?

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  • Delodephius
    When you say "soft r" do you mean palatalized ŕ or a retroflex like in Indo-Aryan languages? Because Slavic languages have palatalized ŕ, not all, but Polish, Sorbian, Czech and East Slavic languages do, and so did OCS.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Onur
    You are wrong again Mr. professor.

    Not all languages contains all the phonemes.
    Onur, where did he write that all languages contain all the phonemes? What he wrote was that all humans can reproduce a sound from any language. He didn't write that all of them actually do so.
    Originally posted by Delodephius
    I don't anyone has ever asked that question. In my own opinion I think they're pretty much the same age. All phonemes producible by the human mouth are approximately of the same age.
    Aside from Albanian, has there ever been any other language in the Balkans (paleo or modern) that has used the soft 'r'? I know that Greek and Slavic languages haven't, and I don't think Vlach has either. Possibly Romani given the Indo-Iranian connection?

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  • Delodephius
    To which of my posts are you responding? It's not in this thread as far as I see.

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  • Onur
    You are wrong again Mr. professor.

    Not all languages contains all the phonemes. Some languages has more sounds than others and these languages are more vocal and richer in terms of phonemes. Yes, everyone can reproduce any sound but they simply don't, if a particular sound doesn't exist in their language. So, the people in Africa was only producing the phonemes and sounds which existed in their own language, not all of them. They didn't produce all the sounds, they only produced the ones they have heard from the people around them.

    For example, French phoneme "Uu" doesn't exist in English, therefore a monolingual English speaker cannot properly produce that sound without doing a practice and self training because they never use it in their own language. If an English speaker never hears a foreign language, then that means, probably he doesn't even aware of the existence of "Uu" sound as in French.

    Afaik, Uralic/Altaic languages with vowel harmony are the richest languages in terms of phonemes and sound changes. For example, we have the exact same sound as in French "U" in Turkish. We also have several more phonemes which doesn't exist in most IE languages, like Turkish "soft G; Ğğ" and "Iı". Also, the sound of some of the vowels in Turkish changes according to the consonant above and the one following it. It softens, rounds, stays same or becomes unrounded. These examples of Turkish are also valid for all Uralic/Altaic languages.

    No one can know the age of these phonemes but some should be older, most likely "Aa, Ee" sounds.


    French "Uu" sound training for English speakers;
    French sound U - YouTube

    Turkish words with "Iı" phoneme;
    Last edited by Onur; 08-14-2011, 07:52 AM.

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  • Delodephius
    I don't anyone has ever asked that question. In my own opinion I think they're pretty much the same age. All phonemes producible by the human mouth are approximately of the same age. This is a fact since all humans can reproduce a sound from any language anywhere else on Earth. This means that when humans were still living in Africa they already had the capability to produce all the sounds that today exist in any language.
    Last edited by Delodephius; 08-14-2011, 01:29 PM.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Further to the above, Albanian dialectal differences appear to share some similarities with Semitic languages:

    The southern Tosk dialect (which is now the dominant literary language) of Albanian changed /n/ to /r/ while, for example, the Gheg dialects did not.[1] Compare:

    zëri vs zâni ('the voice')
    gjuri vs gjuni ('the knee')
    Shqiperi vs Shqypni ('Albania')

    In Aramaic, proto-Semitic n is often changed to r:

    bar "son" as compared to Hebrew ben (from Proto-Semitic *bnu)
    trên and tartên "two" (masculine and feminine form respectively) as compared to Demotic Arabic tnēn and tintēn (from Proto-Semitic *ṯnaimi and *ṯnataimi). Cf. also Aramic tinyânâ "the second one", without the shift.
    Slovak, is the trilled 'R' older than the soft 'R'?

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    One thing I have always found interesting about the Albanian language when compared to other languages in the Balkans is the fact that they have a soft 'r' like in modern English and a rolled 'r' like in other Balkan languages. I am wondering if this may have something to do with Germanic influence. Both variants are also present in some Indo-Iranian languages, but that may (or may not) have something to do with their interaction with Dravidian languages.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Thanks Onur. I think one of the difficulties in trying to understand the origin of some Albanian words rests with the large amount of foreign loanwords that have been mutated (almost) beyond recognition over time. Unfortunately, such examples inspire others to incorrectly consider them unique "Illyrian" words.

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