Originally posted by Mistracona
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Greece, History, Truth
Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View PostMilti this is what you wrote in another topic on this forum to RistotheGreat;
Attempts to replace the unwieldly purified versions used in literature and for official purposes with the ordinary speech of the people, known as demotic, were regarded as blows directed against the feeble unity of the country and its life-giving national myths.There were riots in Athens following the publication in 1902 of a demotic version of the New Testament.
William St. Claire That Greece Might Still Be Free
The Ancient Greece evoked by Koraes was essentially the invention of Western philhellenes. Even katharevousa, although ostensibly meant to 'refine' those who spoke and wrote it, making them more elegant, wise, freedom-loving, and virtuous (although not necessarily peaceful) by eliminating from their vocabulary the barbarity of Turkish words that kept them chained to their degeneracy - even katharevousa was produced not just for the Ottomanized Greeks, but also for Western philhellenes, as Koraes reveals when he confesses that his notes, "written in our common tongue, were ready for the printers when some friends of mine - philhellenes expert in our ancient but not our modern language - eventually persuaded me to hellenize [my notes] so that they might be understood . . . by the scholars of Europe, who are ignorant of Modern Greek" (Bien 1972:51, citing Koraes 1833:41).
Such, more or less, was the first form of invented Greek nationality -the initial vision, if you will, of the myth that, replacing (or at least displacing) the Christian world-view, provided at the deepest level a metaphysical rationale for life and death: a meaning for what would otherwise be a futile, meaningless existence. No matter that it was a double distortion: a distortion of Ancient Greek reality, and a distortion as well of Modern Greek reality. It provided (and to some degree still provides) a sense of connectedness to something apparently admirable, something that matters, and something even 'eternal', for, as I mentioned earlier, no nation can imagine its own death. As for its beginning, Ancient Greek culture lay far enough back in hazy antiquity to seem never to have not been there. In sum, Greece imagined in this way as the inheritor of ancient glory was a way to cheat contigency and fate by giving existence a kind of supernal meaning.
Peter Bien Inventing Greece
TrueMacedonian writes "You want a clear and concise example of modern Macedonian's connection to Macedonia. Ok. Here is a perfect example:
No, I clearly asked for a connection between the slavic speaking people or the Republic of Macedonia to the ancient world, to the ancient Macedonian kingdom. (see my post above).
Nothing in your link refers or connects the Slavic-speaking Macedonian people, in Rpmania or anywhere else, to the ancient Macedonian kingdom or the ancient world. There is no mention whatsoever of the ancient world in your link. The name of the unfamiliar linked site "Proetnica" (sic?) is a Greek word ("proethnika).
Presumably, you misunderstood my question and now you will link me with evidence that connects the slavic-speaking people and the ROM to the ancient world. Thanks.
Interestingly, one answer to the question "what is the slavic connection to the ancient world?" is an attack on the Greeks. Typical for this site.
Originally posted by Mistracona View PostTrueMacedonian writes "You want a clear and concise example of modern Macedonian's connection to Macedonia. Ok. Here is a perfect example:
No, I clearly asked for a connection between the slavic speaking people or the Republic of Macedonia to the ancient world, to the ancient Macedonian kingdom. (see my post above).
Nothing in your link refers or connects the Slavic-speaking Macedonian people, in Rpmania or anywhere else, to the ancient Macedonian kingdom or the ancient world. There is no mention whatsoever of the ancient world in your link. The name of the unfamiliar linked site "Proetnica" (sic?) is a Greek word ("proethnika).
Presumably, you misunderstood my question and now you will link me with evidence that connects the slavic-speaking people and the ROM to the ancient world. Thanks.
Interestingly, one answer to the question "what is the slavic connection to the ancient world?" is an attack on the Greeks. Typical for this site.
TrueMacedonian writes: "The name Macedonia followed the Macedonians to Romania. Are we going to be moving the goal posts when certain facts don't enjoy our fancy? There is a rather nice list Soldier of Macedon put together. I recommend you search it out. This particular topic involves the validity of modern Greek claims to "hellenism" and any cultural connections to antiquity."
I asked you to show some connection between the slavic-speaking Macedonians and the ancient world, the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.
As an answer you attacked the Greeks.
The Romania of the middle ages is not the ancient world nor the ancient kingdom of Macedonia. One has nothing to do with the other.
You have found no connection, neither linguistic nor cultural nor geographic between the people or the nation of the Republic of Macedonia and the ancient kingdom because there is none.
You have verified Borza's statement that "modern Slavs both Macedonian and Bulgarian cannot establish a link with antiquity because the Slavs entered the Balkan peninsula centuries after the demise of the macedonian kingdom."
You said that you had no problem with Borza's quote. Neither do I. We both accept it as true, then. We agree.
It is good to end a friendly discussion with mutual agreement.
PS. The word "Macedonian" is first found in the Greek-language poems of Homer. The consensus is that it is the Greek word meaning "Highlander."
Originally posted by Mistracona View PostTrueMacedonian writes: "The name Macedonia followed the Macedonians to Romania. Are we going to be moving the goal posts when certain facts don't enjoy our fancy? There is a rather nice list Soldier of Macedon put together. I recommend you search it out. This particular topic involves the validity of modern Greek claims to "hellenism" and any cultural connections to antiquity."
I asked you to show some connection between the slavic-speaking Macedonians and the ancient world, the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.
As an answer you attacked the Greeks.
The Romania of the middle ages is not the ancient world nor the ancient kingdom of Macedonia. One has nothing to do with the other.
You have found no connection, neither linguistic nor cultural nor geographic between the people or the nation of the Republic of Macedonia and the ancient kingdom because there is none.
You have verified Borza's statement that "modern Slavs both Macedonian and Bulgarian cannot establish a link with antiquity because the Slavs entered the Balkan peninsula centuries after the demise of the macedonian kingdom."
You said that you had no problem with Borza's quote. Neither do I. We both accept it as true, then. We agree.
It is good to end a friendly discussion with mutual agreement.
If the claim is based on ethnicity, it is an issue of a different order. Modern Slavs, both Bulgarians and Macedonians, cannot establish a link with antiquity as the Slavs entered the Balkans centuries after the demise of the ancient Macedonian kingdom. Only the most radical Slavic factions - mostly emigres from the United States, Canada and Australia - even attempt to establish a link to antiquity.
Yes. I agree with Borza. Anyone in the BALKANS, including todays greeks, cannot establish an link to antiquity based on Ethnicity! Yes I agree with that statement. I like how you slithering eels make these little changes. You really are the apple of your forefathers eyes who changed names of villages, cities, and towns in Macedonia
However the Macedonians of today certainly have had traditions passed down from antiquity. Easter egg decorating, for example, began in Macedonia. This tradition is very much applied in Macedonia and by Macedonians all over the world.
PS. The word "Macedonian" is first found in the Greek-language poems of Homer. The consensus is that it is the Greek word meaning "Highlander."
Originally posted by Greek_Truth View PostWhatever you say whatever you think greek people live there you live know since 10000 years ago. Turks wanted Izmir they took it,also the half Cyprus. Albanians want the half Epirus.You want the half Macedonia. Now? All these years of greek culture and you telling us now that you are Macedonians? From the ancient years? And for what Macedonian language you speak? The letter isn't greek.You must know that Alexander was born in Greece. He was talking greek and his mother was from Epirus (a greek ancient nation) also a greek was his father. He never spoke your slavish language. All these things you say all the time, is a propaganda from your politicians who have Americans behind them (and they want to make war with us to buy guns, and also they don't know about the greek history) and 1991 was the first time you wrote that our macedonian is yours. You try to proove that you are people, who no one cares about you and you are so unhappy and want your piece of your "land" back. Read some ancient books (greek books not your fake books). So come and get it if you want. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ.
Originally posted by Mistracona View PostTrueMacedonian writes: "The name Macedonia followed the Macedonians to Romania. Are we going to be moving the goal posts when certain facts don't enjoy our fancy? There is a rather nice list Soldier of Macedon put together. I recommend you search it out. This particular topic involves the validity of modern Greek claims to "hellenism" and any cultural connections to antiquity."
I asked you to show some connection between the slavic-speaking Macedonians and the ancient world, the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.
As an answer you attacked the Greeks.
The Romania of the middle ages is not the ancient world nor the ancient kingdom of Macedonia. One has nothing to do with the other.
You have found no connection, neither linguistic nor cultural nor geographic between the people or the nation of the Republic of Macedonia and the ancient kingdom because there is none.
You have verified Borza's statement that "modern Slavs both Macedonian and Bulgarian cannot establish a link with antiquity because the Slavs entered the Balkan peninsula centuries after the demise of the macedonian kingdom."
You said that you had no problem with Borza's quote. Neither do I. We both accept it as true, then. We agree.
It is good to end a friendly discussion with mutual agreement.
PS. The word "Macedonian" is first found in the Greek-language poems of Homer. The consensus is that it is the Greek word meaning "Highlander."
Originally posted by Mistracona View Post"If the claim is based on ethnicity, it is an issue of a different order. Modern Slavs, both Bulgarians and Macedonians, cannot establish a link with antiquity as the Slavs entered the Balkans centuries after the demise of the ancient Macedonian kingdom. Only the most radical Slavic factions - mostly emigres from the United States, Canada and Australia - even attempt to establish a link to antiquity".
The first attestations of the word in the sense of “Slavic” can also be found in Greek, in the 6th century of ourera. According to Vasmer himself, for example, the attestation of sclavos in Agathias (6th century) already has the meaning of “slave” (Aebischer 1936, 485). How do scholars explain the
The first attestations of the word in the sense of “Slavic” can also be found in Greek, in the 6th century of ourera. According to Vasmer himself, for example, the attestation of sclavos in Agathias (6th century) already has the meaning of “slave” (Aebischer 1936, 485). How do scholars explain the
The first attestations of the word in the sense of “Slavic” can also be found in Greek, in the 6th century of ourera. According to Vasmer himself, for example, the attestation of sclavos in Agathias (6th century) already has the meaning of “slave” (Aebischer 1936, 485). How do scholars explain the
It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the myth of origins for any national narrative. One of the absolute requirements of national mythology and national historiography (to the degree that the two overlap) is that every nation must have its own myth of origins, which cannot be shared with any other nation.
It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the myth of origins for any national narrative. One of the absolute requirements of national mythology and national historiography (to the degree that the two overlap) is that every nation must have its own myth of origins, which cannot be shared with any other nation.
Archeological Evidence...FAILED To date, not one single piece of archaeological evidence has ever been found to support the mythical 6th century migration theory. If the Slavs did in fact migrate to settle in over half of Europe during the 6th century, they magically did so without leaving any physical trace. First Hand
There are very fascinating stuffs in the Forum, when you can, take a look. For examples the previous posts of the member "I of Macedon", wich are very rewarding. And if someone has the PDF of the book previously mentionned, please share.
For those who try to use the "slav" thing for proving that macedonians do no belong to Macedonia, try something more solid.Last edited by Nexus; 11-30-2012, 07:44 PM.
Curta's book is a minority opinion weighed against substantial archeological and textual evidence. He does, however, agree with accepted opinion on several points. He is right in saying the geographic origins of the slavic people have not been determine irrevocably and without doubt. He is wrong in saying that Roman and "Byzantine" sources are all secondary. The "Byzantines" in particular had direct contact with the slavic people from the 6th century through the many following centuries, well into the middle ages.
I cannot take the time to peruse all the links, but I did not immediately grasp Curta's point.
I am puzzled as to why the term "Slav" or "Slavic" or "Slavic language" is met with such hostility in posts from Macedonian bloggers.
The Bulgarians, Poles, Russians and others do not have such objections.
The slavic people (and their national divisions) are one of the great European races and civilisations with extraordinary achievements to their credit. They are also a people of the future.
"Slav" in Slavic means "glory." When General Potemkin was building cities in and "slavicising" the caucasus, he had planned to build a magnificent city in honour of his empress (and lover) Catherine, the Empress of Russia. Though it was never completed, Potemkin had laid out the plans for the great city. He named it "Katerinaslava," which means "the Glory of Catherine."
I wonder if the word "Slav" has taken a pejorative meaning in the experience of immigrants to the new world countries. If that's the case, there's no need. In America, not only was "Slav," pejorative, but so was "Wop", "Spick", "Greaseball", "Kike", "chink," "Kraut" "Pollack". "Yid," "nigger" and a hundred others. It's part of the fun of being a majority.
And if someone has the PDF of the book previously mentionned, please share.
Bonne lecture mes amis !Last edited by Nexus; 11-30-2012, 08:12 PM.
Originally posted by Mistracona View PostI am puzzled as to why the term "Slav" or "Slavic" or "Slavic language" is met with such hostility in posts from Macedonian bloggers.
"Slav", "slavic", on the other hand, is met with a lot of hostility, because it is used to reduce the macedonian people as just a "slav" people. Thoses "sub-human slavs" with "no history", who "do no belong to theirs lands" like our lovely neighbors say. I don't like the "slav" term because it reminds me of theses statements and we don't reduce people as their language. The irish people is not just a "english" people, the macedonian people is not just a "slav" people. Also it's reminds me how the westerners used to call us during the 2001 conflict. A conflict between the ethnic albanians and the "slavs", just to write this sentence it irritates me.
"Slav" also is an incorrect term to describe peoples and ethnicities, i thank again the 19th century scholars, especially the russian ones, for spreading their personal views, ideas, also their confusions to the world.
For me it's obvious that there is no "slavic race", the today's so called "slavic nations" do not share a common ancestry, culture, "blood" and homeland. Apart for the alphabet, religion (Thanks to Macedonia ...) and languages who belong to the same family, what we share? Nothing.Last edited by Nexus; 12-01-2012, 10:03 AM.