NEVER EVER we macedonians will celebrate with TATARIANS

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  • Dejan
    • Sep 2008
    • 589

    Just one shred of evidence of the slavs arriving in 6th century please
    You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

    A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


    • Demos
      • Dec 2008
      • 325

      Originally posted by Dejan View Post
      Just one shred of evidence of the slavs arriving in 6th century please
      1. There is no written record of any Slavic languages in the Balkans prior to the 6th century.

      2. Cyrillos and Methodios were sent amonst the Slavs to give them an alphabet and religion (Greek Orthodoxy).

      3. If the Slavs existed in the Balkans under Byzantine rule prior to the 6th century they would have already been Christianized since every citizen of the Byzantine Empire adopted Christianity after Constantine the Great declared it as the official religion of the Empire in the 4th century AD.

      But I love how you try to disprove historical facts with fairy tales to prove your political agenda.


      • Orovnichanec
        • Sep 2008
        • 410

        Originally posted by Demos View Post
        1. There is no written record of any Slavic languages in the Balkans prior to the 6th century.

        2. Cyrillos and Methodios were sent amonst the Slavs to give them an alphabet and religion (Greek Orthodoxy).

        3. If the Slavs existed in the Balkans under Byzantine rule prior to the 6th century they would have already been Christianized since every citizen of the Byzantine Empire adopted Christianity after Constantine the Great declared it as the official religion of the Empire in the 4th century AD.

        But I love how you try to disprove historical facts with fairy tales to prove your political agenda.
        He asked for written facts/records not opinions based on fairy tales to further the Greek propaganda and your political agenda.
        "Oh, Macedonians! It is time we realized that the greatest demon Macedonia must battle against is none other than Bulgaria" - Krste Petkov Misirkov


        • Demos
          • Dec 2008
          • 325

          Originally posted by Krste Misirkov View Post
          He asked for written facts/records not opinions based on fairy tales to further the Greek propaganda and your political agenda.
          Then feel free to show me 1 document, manuscript, or anything written in Macedonian prior to the 5th or 6th century AD.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13674

            Originally posted by Demos
            The Serbs themselves have told me....................
            Lol, really? THE Serbs? What, did they make a national address just for your ears only and declare we are the same "ethnos" as the Croatians? Point me to the footage. Clearly you have no idea what you are blabbering about, go and ask the Croatians the same thing, and for the sake of clarity, to what end is your argument leading? The Macedonians and Bulgars speak similar, the Serbs and Croats almost the same, the Czechs and Slovaks likewise, the Russians and Ukranians are in the same boat, so what exactly is your point and purpose on this thread?

            All of the people in the Balkans have shared histories at some stage, but each people have their own also, and there is plenty to distinguish Macedonia and the Macedonian people from their neighbours. Are you trying to contest the validity of my nation? Tell you are, please………

            Greeks and Albanians have been in the region for over 3,000 years.
            Now that is funny, especially given that the first Greek constitution invited anybody from anywhere in the world that was a Christian to settle in modern Greece, how on earth can you possibly make that claim? So all of the so-called 'Slavophone Greeks' have been there for 3,000 years? Are you now denying the Slavic migration? Stick to one story you compulsive liar. And please provide the evidence of the 3,000 year Albanian existence in the Balkans, according to you, if there was no written evidence of a language then the people didn't exist, as per your bogus example with the Slavic peoples in the Balkans.
            Then feel free to show me 1 document, manuscript, or anything written in Macedonian prior to the 5th or 6th century AD.
            Come on then, feel free to show me some examples of written evidence where it concerns a 'Shqiptar' language 3,000 years ago. We are all waiting.

            Cyrillos and Methodios were sent amonst the Slavs to give them an alphabet and religion (Greek Orthodoxy).
            They came from Salonika, where all people spoke Slavic at the time anyway, they were chosen because it was their native language to begin with. And what's this 'Greek' Orthodoxy? Is that like Roman Catholicism? Or are you trying to usurp a religious title and manipulate it into an ethnic one? What a lost cause you people are, at least I know that my great-grand parents and theirs before them spoke the same language as mine, with you, god only knows what you were before your ancestors bent over for some thief impersonating a priest like that pig Karavangeli.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Demos
              • Dec 2008
              • 325

              Sorry to burst your bubble, but your nation were not natives to the lands. The Romanians (aka Dacians) had already been Romanized and had adopted the Latin alphabet were indeed natives, but you were not.

              1. We cannot find 1 document written in Macedonian prior to the 5-6th century AD.
              2. Had you been natives speaking Macedonian how do you explain that you needed someone to give you an alphabet in the 5-6th century AD when the Greek and Roman Empires pre-existed and alphabets were readily available. You have ZERO historical record in the form of any type of writing or inscriptions. Aside from that, you're telling me that you lived within the Roman Empire for centuries, yet you had no alphabet to speak of.

              The Gauls, Iberians, Dacians, and Latins who were natives had adopted the Latin alphabet centuries prior to the implementation of Slavic ever showing up in the region. The Hellenes, didn't need to adopt Latin because we already had been speaking and using Greek much longer than the Romans.


              • Daskalot
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 4345

                Originally posted by Demos View Post
                Sorry to burst your bubble, but your nation were not natives to the lands. The Romanians (aka Dacians) had already been Romanized and had adopted the Latin alphabet were indeed natives, but you were not.

                1. We cannot find 1 document written in Macedonian prior to the 5-6th century AD.
                2. Had you been natives speaking Macedonian how do you explain that you needed someone to give you an alphabet in the 5-6th century AD when the Greek and Roman Empires pre-existed and alphabets were readily available. You have ZERO historical record in the form of any type of writing or inscriptions. Aside from that, you're telling me that you lived within the Roman Empire for centuries, yet you had no alphabet to speak of.

                The Gauls, Iberians, Dacians, and Latins who were natives had adopted the Latin alphabet centuries prior to the implementation of Slavic ever showing up in the region. The Hellenes, didn't need to adopt Latin because we already had been speaking and using Greek much longer than the Romans.
                Please stop your nonsense, please prove that the "invading" Slav armies coming from the Pripet marshes slaughtered every living being in Macedonia, otherwise SHUT THE FUCK UP with your verbal diarrhea.

                Please give an answer or get BANNED, I am getting pretty tired of you.....
                Macedonian Truth Organisation


                • Sarafot
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 616

                  Why do i hate bajgani more then stupid greeks?
                  I realy realy hate tatro bajgans, probebly i will fu.. up some mother ..... here, they are like gipsies.....they dont even know how to talk,i can barly understand them with that ЪЪЪЪЪЪЪ.

                  Ajde ebete si majkavi tatari!!
                  Ние македонците не сме ни срби, ни бугари, туку просто Македонци. Ние ги симпатизираме и едните и другите, кој ќе не ослободи, нему ќе му речеме благодарам, но србите и бугарите нека не забораваат дека Македонија е само за Македонците.
                  - Борис Сарафов, 2 септември 1902


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13674

                    Originally posted by Demos
                    The Romanians (aka Dacians) had already been Romanized and had adopted the Latin alphabet were indeed natives, but you were not.
                    Oh ok, so you are running away from your previous statements and now wish to divert the topic to Romanians, do elaborate on the relevance. Are you telling me that the Romanians are merely Latinized Dacians but the Macedonians can only be Slavic and have no Macedonian element? How many times are you going to contradict yourself with your childish examples before you realise what a clown you appear to be?
                    1. We cannot find 1 document written in Macedonian prior to the 5-6th century AD.
                    Here we go, that same cyclic and idiotic game being played out again. You claimed that the Albanians are 3,000 years old, now find me 1 written document of a 'Shqiptar' language 3,000 years ago. Prove it or remain looking like a liar.

                    2. Had you been natives speaking Macedonian how do you explain that you needed someone to give you an alphabet in the 5-6th century AD when the Greek and Roman Empires pre-existed and alphabets were readily available.
                    The alphabet was in official use as of the 9th century AD, how about you toss out those propagandist books you've been reading and clarify some facts before you intend to educate others about something which you clearly have no clue about.
                    You have ZERO historical record in the form of any type of writing or inscriptions.
                    A substantial amount of surviving Thracian words are found in the Balto-Slavic language family, they may have altered over time, but the evidence cannot be disputed, as the same words are also used in places like Slovenia, Croatia, and the Baltic states, where there were no recorded 'Thracian' tribes. If you don't agree with it, pick up a Thracian glossary and challenge it, in fact, I insist that you do.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Demos
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 325

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      Oh ok, so you are running away from your previous statements and now wish to divert the topic to Romanians, do elaborate on the relevance. Are you telling me that the Romanians are merely Latinized Dacians but the Macedonians can only be Slavic and have no Macedonian element? How many times are you going to contradict yourself with your childish examples before you realise what a clown you appear to be?

                      Here we go, that same cyclic and idiotic game being played out again. You claimed that the Albanians are 3,000 years old, now find me 1 written document of a 'Shqiptar' language 3,000 years ago. Prove it or remain looking like a liar.

                      The alphabet was in official use as of the 9th century AD, how about you toss out those propagandist books you've been reading and clarify some facts before you intend to educate others about something which you clearly have no clue about.

                      A substantial amount of surviving Thracian words are found in the Balto-Slavic language family, they may have altered over time, but the evidence cannot be disputed, as the same words are also used in places like Slovenia, Croatia, and the Baltic states, where there were no recorded 'Thracian' tribes. If you don't agree with it, pick up a Thracian glossary and challenge it, in fact, I insist that you do.

                      As I said before; I can find thousands of documents written in Greek dating back millenia. If you claim you are natives to SE Europe, then why would you need two brothers from Thessaloniki to provide you with an alphabet when you supposedly were living in GrecoRoman Empires with a Greek and Latin alphabet readily available.

                      Secondly, you still cannot show me one document or any inscription on anything (wood, marble, papyrus, etc etc) in Macedonian prior to the 5th or 6th century.

                      Some natives you were...

                      Do you have ANY historical record of your language prior to the Slavic migrations? Yes or no? It's a very simple question.

                      If yes, please provide the relevant document and I'll admit you have won the argument.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13674

                        Look here you elusive little worm, you made the statement that Albanians have been in existence for 3,000 years. You also claim that Macedonians could not have existed prior to the 5th century because they have no written evidence.

                        This is the third, and last time I will ask you to corroborate your statement, as my patience has run out with you, answer the following you liar:

                        You claimed that the Albanians are 3,000 years old, now find me 1 written document of a 'Shqiptar' language 3,000 years ago.

                        Either admit that your comparisons are pathetic and completely without logic, or lie once more to test my patience further.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Demos
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 325

                          Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                          Look here you elusive little worm, you made the statement that Albanians have been in existence for 3,000 years. You also claim that Macedonians could not have existed prior to the 5th century because they have no written evidence.

                          This is the third, and last time I will ask you to corroborate your statement, as my patience has run out with you, answer the following you liar:

                          You claimed that the Albanians are 3,000 years old, now find me 1 written document of a 'Shqiptar' language 3,000 years ago.

                          Either admit that your comparisons are pathetic and completely without logic, or lie once more to test my patience further.

                          I will look for one and in the meantime you can look for one as well, but I bet you ain't going to find one. Do you claim linguistic continuity since ancient times, yes or no?

                          I do claim it and have thousands upon thousands of documents to prove it.


                          • makedonin
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1668

                            Originally posted by Demos View Post
                            There is no written record of any Slavic languages in the Balkans prior to the 6th century.

                            Are you playing dumb?

                            As you above so self confident state, you estimate the Slavs to come on the Balkan around 5th or 6th Century AD.

                            In order to harden your argument, you ask for written records of Slavic prior to 6th Century.

                            What you fail to see, is the fact that there is no written documents in Slavic prior the 9th Century:

                            Although Old Church Slavonic (OCS) is the oldest documented Slavic language ..................

                            The earliest date for the OCS period is given by our estimation of the missions of Cyril and Methodius in the middle of the ninth century.............

                            Liberal Arts at UT offers over 40 majors and many top-ranked graduate programs in the social sciences and humanities taught by 750 faculty.

                            So do you think that the Slavs came in 6th or in the 9th Century, since the first written evidence of Slavic is from the middle of the 9th century, after your logic they must have not existed prior the 9th Century!

                            Your turn!
                            To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


                            • Venom
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 445

                              Originally posted by Demos View Post
                              I will look for one and in the meantime you can look for one as well, but I bet you ain't going to find one. Do you claim linguistic continuity since ancient times, yes or no?

                              I do claim it and have thousands upon thousands of documents to prove it.
                              So now you are saying language is ethnicity? Correct?

                              Why did so many greeks less than a hundred years ago speak any number of other languages like Macedonian or Turkish, plus many many others?
                              S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13674

                                He wont be saying anything Venom because he is gone. All they do is produce lies and when they can't back it up they throw in more lies. This donkey was so confused he didn't know what century it was.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

