Makedonski Narodni i Patriotski Pesni - Macedonian Folk & Patriotic Songs

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    As far as some are, yes. I have family from the villages in Kostur and they have barely heard of anywhere north of Bitola and east of Solun because there was no reason to know them and no connection to them.
    Just because many of them didn't have the opportunity to travel to other towns in the 19th century doesn't mean they were ignorant of their existence or hadn't heard stories about them. As for your family members, they either know that places like Ohrid, Skopje and Strumica exist or they don't. If they don't, then they have either been brainwashed by the education system in Greece or have a limited interest in their ancestral culture, history and kinsmen from other parts of Macedonia.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    And because there was a lack of infrastructure to facilitate a more efficient method of travel and communication, you find it revealing that a poem from Kostur would mention other Macedonian towns?
    As far as some are, yes. I have family from the villages in Kostur and they have barely heard of anywhere north of Bitola and east of Solun because there was no reason to know them and no connection to them.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    No railwaylines, no roads, no forms of modern communication - all to be expected from the "sick man of Europe"
    And because there was a lack of infrastructure to facilitate a more efficient method of travel and communication, you find it revealing that a poem from Kostur would mention other Macedonian towns?

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    Why was there little connection between these areas?
    No railwaylines, no roads, no forms of modern communication - all to be expected from the "sick man of Europe"

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    It was under the Kostursko section in this part of the book but notice its references to other regions in Macedonia at a time when there was little connection between these areas....
    Why was there little connection between these areas?

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Noticed this folktale/poem (unsure how to calssify) whilst reading 'Bulgarian Folk Songs' by the Miladinov Brothers. It was under the Kostursko section in this part of the book but notice its references to other regions in Macedonia at a time when there was little connection between these areas (the material was gathered in the 1850s and this example is likely much older):

    331. (Петрице, моме Петрице!)

    „Петрице, моме Петрице!

    Дейгиди риба летнице,

    Цѫрвено отъ Охритъ яболко,

    Преспанска тѫнка ѭгуля,

    Елибасанско-но ноже,

    Юручка топла погача,

    Битолско поле широко,

    Тиквешка бѣла пченица,

    Солунско суво грозѥнце,

    Воденска ширка цѫрвена,

    Негошко вино ’убаво!“

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  • Karposh
    Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
    Yup, exactly. I think what happened was that she was trying to show off, suck up to, or impress a Bulgarian audience to get some fans, followers, i.e. to sell some music. When asked the question, she a) couldn't think of Bulgarian songs she sings to Macedonians right away and just threw out some songs; or b) knew that Bulgarians consider those songs Bulgarian and threw them a bone.

    I don't need or care for an apology from her. Just not to make detrimental remarks to cause.
    Eftina i prosta kurva...Just like the rest of the cheap and simple-minded (i.e. brain-dead) whores of North Macedonia.

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  • vicsinad
    Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
    I rewatched the clip several times and I also agree that it's pretty clear cut Vic. I thought initially she might have been taken out of context in some way but I don't think she was. Don't know how she is trying to wriggle herself out of this. What do you guys think? If she sincerely apologised for saying this in the past would you accept it? For me personally, I don't even listen to her music and the fact that she makes songs in Bulgarian turns me off instantly, in the same way that it turns me off when Macedonians make songs in Serbian such as Aneta/ Grupa Molika and Tyzee for example.
    Yup, exactly. I think what happened was that she was trying to show off, suck up to, or impress a Bulgarian audience to get some fans, followers, i.e. to sell some music. When asked the question, she a) couldn't think of Bulgarian songs she sings to Macedonians right away and just threw out some songs; or b) knew that Bulgarians consider those songs Bulgarian and threw them a bone.

    I don't need or care for an apology from her. Just not to make detrimental remarks to cause.

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  • Momce Makedonce
    Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
    Velevska's reaction:

    I watched the video. I don't see how her quote was taken out of context. The interviewer asked her what are some Bulgarian songs you sing at Macedonian concerts in Australia. Velevska responded with Jovano Jovanke, Kazi Oblace Belo, and other songs. Clear cut.

    She apparently apologized two years ago and claims that a feud with a Macedonian manager in Australia is the real reason this protest is happening. Even if that was the case, I didn't find her apology convincing.
    I rewatched the clip several times and I also agree that it's pretty clear cut Vic. I thought initially she might have been taken out of context in some way but I don't think she was. Don't know how she is trying to wriggle herself out of this. What do you guys think? If she sincerely apologised for saying this in the past would you accept it? For me personally, I don't even listen to her music and the fact that she makes songs in Bulgarian turns me off instantly, in the same way that it turns me off when Macedonians make songs in Serbian such as Aneta/ Grupa Molika and Tyzee for example.

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  • vicsinad
    Velevska's reaction:

    Македонската дијаспора од Австралија деновиве масовно повикува на бојкот на концертите на Елена Велевска закажани за мај и јуни. На „Фејсбук“ страницата „Македонска коалиција“, повторно се споделува видеото од едно нејзино гостување на бугарската телевизија „Пајнер“ направено пред две години.

    За Елена Велеска „Јовано, Јованке“ и „Кажи облаче ли бело“ се бугарски хитови, пишуваат тие повикувајќи на бојкот.

    Видеото, кое беше поставено вчера на страницата, веќе е прегледано повеќе од 18.000 пати, а многу од иселените Македонци не штедат на навредите кон македонската фолк пејачка.

    Симтоматично, повторното споделување на ова видео, доаѓа токму пред австралиската турнеја на пејачката, која веќе се извини за видеото, иако, како што вели, нема зошто да се извинува зошто таа изјава е извадена од контекст.

    Јас кажав и пред две години дека таму зборувам за тоа дека и бугарските пејачи ги пеат нашите песни во Австралија. Во интервјуто зборувам и на македонски јазик, но тоа никој не го коментира, вели Елена Велевска за „Република“.

    Иако видеото се шири на социјалните мрежи, пејачката смета дека нема како ни зошто да реагира и дека не сака да наседнува на вакви провокации. Велевска вели дека знае кој е одговорен за ваквите манипулации. Се работи за австралиски менаџер со кого на тогашната и на оваа турнеја Велевска одбила да соработува.

    -Јас имам одредени критериуми, но тој не ги исполнуваше и затоа концертите ги организира друг. Нека шеруваат, нека прават што сакаат. И тогаш имав одлична турнеја, и сега кој сака, ќе дојде на концертите. Може колку сакаат да го споделуваат тоа видео и сега и по две и по десет години, нека ми прават реклама. Јас не планирам да реагирам, ни кажа таа во телефонскиот разговор.

    Велевска вели дека токму ова ќе нè докрајчи нас Македонците.

    Не се цениме! Дури кога ќе сме во гроб како Тоше, дури тогаш им чиниш. Јас ја пеев „Македонско девојче“ на среде Софија, никој тоа не го кажува. Пеам на сите јазици, тоа не ме менува, јас сум Македонка, додава таа.
    I watched the video. I don't see how her quote was taken out of context. The interviewer asked her what are some Bulgarian songs you sing at Macedonian concerts in Australia. Velevska responded with Jovano Jovanke, Kazi Oblace Belo, and other songs. Clear cut.

    She apparently apologized two years ago and claims that a feud with a Macedonian manager in Australia is the real reason this protest is happening. Even if that was the case, I didn't find her apology convincing.

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  • vicsinad
    Thank you for posting this. The Bulgarianization is creeping into Macedonia.

    I e-mailed the operator of They have tunes and lyrics for Macedonian songs. Often, they have renditions from non-Macedonians. But, why do they need to post renditions of songs by a group (or TV show, whichever it is, I'm not sure) called "Site Bugari Zaedno?" If you're going to post a rendition of a Macedonian song sung by a Bulgarian, why "Site Bugari Zaedno?" Doesn't send the right message, in my opinion.

    Last edited by vicsinad; 04-27-2019, 06:16 AM.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
    Macedonian community of Australia not impressed with Elena Velevska coming for a concert after her comments a couple years ago on Bulgarian television.
    She's been removed from the tour now.

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  • Momce Makedonce
    Macedonian community of Australia not impressed with Elena Velevska coming for a concert after her comments a couple years ago on Bulgarian television.

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  • Momce Makedonce
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    Yeah was going to say it's probably worse in Melbourne. Honestly too many stories to even list, relations between our communities here are terrible. Copped it from the Greek community here my entire life really, as recently as a week ago. Mind you there are exceptions, plenty of Greeks here who couldn't give a stuff about the whole situation and some even go as far as to recognise the injustice the Greek state has caused on the Macedonian people.
    That's really embarrassing that they behave that way and makes sense as to why the Melbourne Macedonian community will give it back to them just as much. There is some like that here as well but like you said some are very friendly and normal too.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
    Sorry to hear that LOM, can you explain your experience? I think off memory you were from Melbourne? It seems relations between Macedonians and Greeks are much more hostile there.
    Yeah was going to say it's probably worse in Melbourne. Honestly too many stories to even list, relations between our communities here are terrible. Copped it from the Greek community here my entire life really, as recently as a week ago. Mind you there are exceptions, plenty of Greeks here who couldn't give a stuff about the whole situation and some even go as far as to recognise the injustice the Greek state has caused on the Macedonian people.

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