Happy 68th, Battalion Mirche Atsef - Congratulations General Velichkovski‏

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    Happy 68th, Battalion Mirche Atsef - Congratulations General Velichkovski‏

    Happy 68th, Battalion Mirche Atsef - Congratulations General Velichkovski

    On August 18th, 1943 in a place called Slavej, on Karaorman Mountain in Debartsa, from the Partisan Detachments “Dame Gruev”, “Gjorche Petrov” and “Dimitar Vlahov” the “Mirche Atsev” Battalion was formed, - First Battalion of the Second Operative Zone of Macedonia and first largest military unit. With the formation of the Battalion as a first regular military unit the process of creating the Peoples’ Liberation Army began.

    During the four year war of liberation, the Peoples’ Liberation Army (NOV) developed into 23 brigades, 7 divisions and 3 corps. Of these, 26,000 fighters gave their lives for Macedonia’s liberty.

    Now 68 years later in honour of this historic Macedonian event, celebrated annually by the Macedonian Army, I have the honour to inform you that Commander Colonel Metodija Velichkovski, of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, has been promoted to Brigadier General.

    Congratulations General Metodija Velichkovski, son and protector of Macedonia.

    Long Live the Republic of Macedonia!

    Long Live the Macedonian People!

    Long Live the Army of the Republic of Macedonia.

    На 18. Август 1943 година во месноста Славеј, на планината Караорман во Дебарца, од партизанските одреди ,,Даме Груев, Ѓорче Петров и Димитар Влахов" е формиран батаљонот ,,Мирче Ацев", - прв баталјон на Втората оперативна зона на Македонија и прва покрупна воена единица од одред. Со формирањето на баталјонот како прва регуларна воена единица, започна процесот на создавање на народноослободитилната војска.

    За време на четиригодишната борба Народно ослободителната војска (НОВ) прерасна во респектабилна вооружена сила со околу 76.000 борци организирани во 23 бригади, 7 дивизии и 3 корпуси. Од нив 26.000 ги дадоа своите животи за слободата на Македонија.

    Командантот Методија Величковски утре (18-ti Avgust) ќе биде унапреден во чин бригаден генерал. Честит да му биде чинот генерал.
    Нека ни е честит празникот.



    Zoran M.

    from email r xtefov
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
  • Zarni
    • May 2011
    • 672

    The newly appointed Terrorist come Minister was at the ceremony in surely a staged event by him to deflect criticism

    He doesn’t want to lose his State payed job so played


    • George S.
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10116

      i wonder what his salary is zarni??
      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"

