Said no Macedonian politician ever ....
A platform?
I would support anyone who could live up to that kind of commitment.
My dear Macedonians, my dear citizens of Macedonia.
I stand before you to offer my services as a willing and able leader so that we can all consider a bold new path and dramatic departure from our recent history.
Our recent history offers us nothing to take comfort in. Our Macedonian identity has already been negotiated and we have received nothing in return. Our people are both mentally and physically sick as a consequence of our previous leaderships.
Can Macedonia achieve anything for itself, by itself? Can we not look back in our history and see anything to inspire us? Can we as a self-determined people cut through this externally imposed Gordian knot with the vigour of Alexander? Can we explore the solutions that offer the best for Macedonia with the clarity of mind of Delcev?
We gave our written language to half of Europe and nobody knows.
We lived in houses and worked on these very lands while others were in caves.
We maintained our culture and traditions no matter the political environment.
We are Macedonia!
We can do more!
I believe the success of our nation is not whether all my family members have the latest iPhone. Nor is it measured by the speed of our sports cars.
We need an attainable success. A kind of success that nurtures the soul. A success that sees families content and enthusiastic about the potential for their families to thrive. We need our health and we need the best education for our children. Our children will learn English in addition to Macedonian. All citizens are Macedonian, but Macedonians of non Macedonian ethnicity will also have the opportunity to learn their own languages.
We need to present the Macedonia we love to the world. Our country is rich with historical significance, environmental beauty and ancient culture. We will find our pride again. We clean our home and wear our nicer clothes when expecting visitors to arrive. We must clean our country in the very same way. The world is looking and they are our guests. We must build a tourism industry which highlights all of our inherent beauty and offers the best services in the most professional and culturally sensitive ways.
We must be honest with ourselves, be honest in our dealings and respect order in our nation. If we can work together in creating new systems, then they must be embraced. It is the will of our people and it is our way to rise above this mess which we are forced to endure on a daily basis. We will wait in a line until it is our turn, we will help the frail and elderly. We will create a culture that nurtures/protects our children and our aged people. We will respect and cherish them and through this learn to respect ourselves.
We will be open in our civic strategies and commercial initiatives and we will insist on transparency.
We will open our doors as proud citizens of Macedonia and welcome Macedonia's friends.
Macedonians who have emigrated will want to return because there will be no safer or more harmonious place than our proud nation.
We will be the homeland our ancestors dreamed and fought for. Will you join me to create Homeland Macedonia?
I stand before you to offer my services as a willing and able leader so that we can all consider a bold new path and dramatic departure from our recent history.
Our recent history offers us nothing to take comfort in. Our Macedonian identity has already been negotiated and we have received nothing in return. Our people are both mentally and physically sick as a consequence of our previous leaderships.
Can Macedonia achieve anything for itself, by itself? Can we not look back in our history and see anything to inspire us? Can we as a self-determined people cut through this externally imposed Gordian knot with the vigour of Alexander? Can we explore the solutions that offer the best for Macedonia with the clarity of mind of Delcev?
We gave our written language to half of Europe and nobody knows.
We lived in houses and worked on these very lands while others were in caves.
We maintained our culture and traditions no matter the political environment.
We are Macedonia!
We can do more!
I believe the success of our nation is not whether all my family members have the latest iPhone. Nor is it measured by the speed of our sports cars.
We need an attainable success. A kind of success that nurtures the soul. A success that sees families content and enthusiastic about the potential for their families to thrive. We need our health and we need the best education for our children. Our children will learn English in addition to Macedonian. All citizens are Macedonian, but Macedonians of non Macedonian ethnicity will also have the opportunity to learn their own languages.
We need to present the Macedonia we love to the world. Our country is rich with historical significance, environmental beauty and ancient culture. We will find our pride again. We clean our home and wear our nicer clothes when expecting visitors to arrive. We must clean our country in the very same way. The world is looking and they are our guests. We must build a tourism industry which highlights all of our inherent beauty and offers the best services in the most professional and culturally sensitive ways.
We must be honest with ourselves, be honest in our dealings and respect order in our nation. If we can work together in creating new systems, then they must be embraced. It is the will of our people and it is our way to rise above this mess which we are forced to endure on a daily basis. We will wait in a line until it is our turn, we will help the frail and elderly. We will create a culture that nurtures/protects our children and our aged people. We will respect and cherish them and through this learn to respect ourselves.
We will be open in our civic strategies and commercial initiatives and we will insist on transparency.
We will open our doors as proud citizens of Macedonia and welcome Macedonia's friends.
Macedonians who have emigrated will want to return because there will be no safer or more harmonious place than our proud nation.
We will be the homeland our ancestors dreamed and fought for. Will you join me to create Homeland Macedonia?
I would support anyone who could live up to that kind of commitment.