A series of minor earthquakes rocked Macedonia today,with the strongest one between 15 -15:30 h local time.
The earthquake was measured at 5,2 degrees on the Richter scale (the fatal 1963 Skopje earthquake was 6,1 degrees) and felt throughout Macedonia,i felt it in Stip.
I was finishing lunch when the whole room started to shake and lasted around 7-8 seconds,it was the strongest earth shaking i had felt to date.
No fatalities or injuries have been reported,but there are damages in the Skopje area (see images below) and elderly people were panicking.
Parts of Skopje were left without electricity.
Experts warn that future earthquakes can be expected too.

The earthquake was measured at 5,2 degrees on the Richter scale (the fatal 1963 Skopje earthquake was 6,1 degrees) and felt throughout Macedonia,i felt it in Stip.
I was finishing lunch when the whole room started to shake and lasted around 7-8 seconds,it was the strongest earth shaking i had felt to date.
No fatalities or injuries have been reported,but there are damages in the Skopje area (see images below) and elderly people were panicking.
Parts of Skopje were left without electricity.
Experts warn that future earthquakes can be expected too.