In Macedonia, there is no work, there are no opportunities, people are waiting for others to create opportunities for them rather than creating opportunities themselves, people don't bother looking for work, people prefer to chat and drink all day at coffee shops, people complain about poor standards, etc. We hear about the stereotypes all the time, some being more true than others. That being the case, it would be good to have a thread where we can cut through certain misconceptions by citing and discussing examples of how people in Macedonia have struggled to survive and eventually succeed in achieving a financial goal, securing a job or establishing a profitable business - and consequently improving their lives and living conditions.
So, if you know of anybody that has made something of their lives in Macedonia that can serve as an example or inspiration for others, please share their story here.
So, if you know of anybody that has made something of their lives in Macedonia that can serve as an example or inspiration for others, please share their story here.