Slavic Migration Theory - 'The Evidence'

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Have you sent the scholars an email about your doubts and wikipedia revelations?

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  • TerraNova
    Originally posted by Slovak/Anomaly/Tomas View Post
    100 million? You mean all of Europe and Asia were whiped out?
    What Tero forgot to write, and I think on purpose, is that the original article said "across the globe". During the ascend of Justinian I (527 AD) whole of Europe had only about 15-20 million inhabitants. During the ascend of Charlemagne (800 AD) the number rose to about 25-30 million souls, 15 million of them in the Carolingian Empire alone.

    Second thing: northern Balkans was near deserted well into the 18th century. I know, I live there. The land on both sides of the Danube and around the Tise, Sava and Drava rivers were barely ever populated since the land was nothing more than one big marshland for millennia. The river Danube was almost impassable because of 5 miles of swamp on both of its sides. Reason why most invasions from the north were done thought the Iron Gates and why Trajan's bridge was built there, because of mountains and cliffs instead of swamp around the river.

    Third thing: when you see an enemy army marching to your village, what do you do? You run for the hills dumbass! You don't just stay there and await your doom. Unless you live in a fortified city, and only those places were important to ancient historians. I personally hate cities and wouldn't trade a rural life for anything in the world. The peasants always survive!
    First of all it's not 'what i say or write.
    It's the UCLA department of Epidemiology.
    Feel free to send them an e-mail about your doubts.

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  • Venom
    Wow Napoleon, Slovak, SoM and osiris' very logical argument has invited Terranova back with made up facts and very little substance.

    If you're the best MotW have got to send here, we've got little to worry about. Because, well, you don't actually BELIEVE what you say? Do you?!

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  • osiris
    som greece had a magic wall that protetcted it from the ravges of history. the wall was set up sometime in the 19th century and transported back in time by albanain magic chants. surely you knew this bro, slovak you make to much sense please accept that what modern greeks desire is the real balkan reality, and its a reality where the laws of physics do not apply.

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  • Delodephius
    100 million? You mean all of Europe and Asia were whiped out?
    What Tero forgot to write, and I think on purpose, is that the original article said "across the globe". During the ascend of Justinian I (527 AD) whole of Europe had only about 15-20 million inhabitants. During the ascend of Charlemagne (800 AD) the number rose to about 25-30 million souls, 15 million of them in the Carolingian Empire alone.

    Second thing: northern Balkans was near deserted well into the 18th century. I know, I live there. The land on both sides of the Danube and around the Tise, Sava and Drava rivers were barely ever populated since the land was nothing more than one big marshland for millennia. The river Danube was almost impassable because of 5 miles of swamp on both of its sides. Reason why most invasions from the north were done thought the Iron Gates and why Trajan's bridge was built there, because of mountains and cliffs instead of swamp around the river.

    Third thing: when you see an enemy army marching to your village, what do you do? You run for the hills dumbass! You don't just stay there and await your doom. Unless you live in a fortified city, and only those places were important to ancient historians. I personally hate cities and wouldn't trade a rural life for anything in the world. The peasants always survive!

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  • Jankovska
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    Is Terry really Terroitsa?

    She deffo is annoying like hell- muva na gomno

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Is Terry really Terroitsa?

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  • Jankovska
    I find it so sad to a point that is funny. She does the whole good bye, cry for me people thing, put us all in happy mood, going out celebrating, getting smashed and I still haven;t even cured my hangover the slut is back. Why?
    1) She has no life
    2) She has to say things over and over and over to convince herslef they are true
    3) I have done something really evil in previous life to have to beg to get rid off this hairy bitch once and forever

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Thorvald View Post
    On a Dutch forum, someone once suggested that the Slavs are a branch of the Germanic peoples, and that their language was an offspring of the Germanic languages, although personly I considered that theory as crap.

    I think we can't rule out the possibility of some form of common ancestry in the very distant past. If we look at a linguistic map and one of placenames they seem to indicate that there is more Slavic influence in Germanic rather than the opposite. Austria's geographical position and its very own name testify to Germanic settlements in previously Slavic linguistic territory.

    Have you read Jordanes' History of the Goths? What are you thoughts on this book, the historical chronology provided and names cited?

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Terry, in future ensure that your Greek posts are accompanied by a full translation in English and/or Macedonian, and don't let me remind you of this again. This is a Macedonian forum, Greek is a foreign language, have some respect.
    Originally posted by TerraNova View Post
    ......................From 250 AD on ,several waves of different people migrated West and South:
    Goths (Visigoths,Ostrogoths, Vandals),Avars,Huns,Eruli,Kutriguri,Alamans etc etc etc.

    The effects of invasions,destructions of cities and towns,killings and slavery were tremendous...........................
    These invasions also happened in what is today known as modern Greece.

    Where are the Celtic, Germanic, Turkic and Iranian tribes that flooded all of the Balkans (Including what is today known as modern Greece) with invasions? Where are their languages, settlements, etc? Why have only the Slavic languages managed to survive in nearly all of the regions where the ancient Macedonians, Thracians and Illyrians lived?
    "By the time Justinian's plague had run its course in AD 590, it had killed as many as 100 million people -- half the population of Europe -- brought trade to a near halt, destroyed an empire and, perhaps, brought on the Dark Ages. Some .....................
    This disease also happened in what is today known as modern Greece.

    What's your point? That the East Roman citizens were of mixed stock? Old news.

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  • TerraNova
    Originally posted by makedonin View Post
    Νόμιζα πως έχουν φύγει ? Δεν μπορούν να αντισταθούν το Μακεδονικό αλήθεια?
    ="Ι thought they have left. They can't resist the Macedonian (issue) ,really?"

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  • makedonin
    Originally posted by terranova View Post
    Ήρθα μόνο για να σου καταστρέψω τη μέρα αγαπούλα! .... :d:d:d

    Νόμιζα πως έχουν φύγει ? Δεν μπορούν να αντισταθούν το Μακεδονικό αλήθεια?

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  • TerraNova
    Ήρθα μόνο για να σου καταστρέψω τη μέρα αγαπούλα! .... :d:d:d

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  • Thorvald
    On a Dutch forum, someone once suggested that the Slavs are a branch of the Germanic peoples, and that their language was an offspring of the Germanic languages, although personly I considered that theory as crap.


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  • Jankovska
    Originally posted by TerraNova View Post
    Before the Slavic migration (570 AD-7th century) there have been 3 centuries of other "Barbarian Invasions".
    From 250 AD on ,several waves of different people migrated West and South:
    Goths (Visigoths,Ostrogoths, Vandals),Avars,Huns,Eruli,Kutriguri,Alamans etc etc etc.

    The effects of invasions,destructions of cities and towns,killings and slavery were tremendous.
    Northern Balkans are described by Byzantine chronographers as a deserted land.

    Moreover during Justinian's time the Great Plague emerged (541-542AD)

    "By the time Justinian's plague had run its course in AD 590, it had killed as many as 100 million people -- half the population of Europe -- brought trade to a near halt, destroyed an empire and, perhaps, brought on the Dark Ages. Some historians think that the carnage may also have sounded the death knell for slavery as the high demand for labor freed serfs from their chains. Justinian's plague was a "major cataclysm," says historian Lester K. Little, director of the American Academy in Rome"
    I thought you left? Jeez I have seen sad people but this is.. dear lord

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