Modern Greeks are delusional hypocrites
The Real Ethnic Composition of Modern Greece
Originally posted by Carlin15 View PostModern Greeks are delusional hypocrites
Originally posted by Amphipolis View PostSo, who/what is this guy?
1947 - The American proposal to ethnically cleanse Greece - removal of all its Macedonian & Albanian minorities via population exchanges condemned in UN Special commission for the Balkans
Originally posted by Carlin15 View PostDon't know.
1947 - The American proposal to ethnically cleanse Greece - removal of all its Macedonian & Albanian minorities via population exchanges condemned in UN Special commission for the Balkans
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Pole-Slav Attack
At U.N.O.
LAKE SUCCESS, July 18.— Doctor Lange (Poland) resumed the debate on the Balkans in the Security Council to-day. He joined Russia in vigorously attacking Greece.
Dr. Lange attacked the majority report of the United Nations Balkan Investigating Commission which had blamed Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia for the Greek border disturbances.
Dr. Lange said the Commission's conclusions sounded as if they had been drafted for political purposes. Greece was wholly to blame for the present disorders and he demanded the formation of a new coalition government, new elections and an immediate withdrawal of foreign military personnel.
Dr. Lange said the Security Council should insist that Greece end its seven year old
state of war with Albania, as that was one of the causes of the current strife.
Dr. Jose Vllfan (Yugoslavia), supported Russia and Poland in condemning Greece. Dr. Vilfan said the border patrol plan proposed by the United States would violate the United Nations Charter and would be practically futile. He declared that the realisation of the United States' resolution would mean the weakening of the United Nations.
Dr. VilfeD said the American proposal for the exchange of Albanian and Macedonian minorities In the Balkans was particularly unacceptable to Yugoslavia.
Dr. Vllfan spoke for an hour.
The Assistant Secretary. GeneralIvan Kermo and President Lange, suggested, to save time, the French translation be omitted. French officials agreed, but M. Gromyko and Dr. Vilfan objected.
Mr. Gromyko .in a 45-minute-speech, attacked the United States plan for ? frontier commission to patrol the troubled Balkan frontiers.
He said Russia could not agree to such a commission which would be a sharp breach of the United Nations Charters None of the Balkan nations would be bound to comply with orders of a Commission, even if one were established bv Uic Council.
The American deputy delegate. Mr. Herschel Johnson. umed that the general debate be closed In order that the Council might reach a decision. Dr. Lange, who Is the Council chairman, ruled that the debate would be closed only if there were no speakers when the Council re-assembles on the morning of July 18.
In response to protests by Sir Alexander Cad 'can (Britain), and Colonel Hodgson (Australia), Dr. Lance agreed to withdraw the asiflrtion lie made that members of the Commission. were for some extraneous reasons, compelled to establish a verdict of guilty strains! Greece's northern neighbours, In spite of their inability to prove it.
Colonel Hodgson in his protest, described this as the most insulting remark ever made In the Council, against the Governments of other Council
The American Press Athens correspondent says the Communist newspaper. 'Eleftheri Ellada,' quoted a broadcast from the Guerrilla radio saying it was essential to create an Independent Communist Government in 'the free regions' of Greece. The radio said the Guerrille leader, General Markos, had announced that the Guerrillas were willing to come to terms with the Greek Government
if their demansd were met. Reuter's Athens representative says the Government troops In a Dincer attack from the north and south, are attempting to cut off guerrillas retreating towards the Grammas and Pindus mountains after their defeat near Konitze.
The Greek newsagency said the guerrillas are hiding in smell parties in the woods and ravines, avoiding any pitched battle They are being continuously attacked from the air.
The American Press Athens correspondent says official reports said that 210 guerrillas were killed, ISO wounded and 14 taken prlsnner, and 50 surrendered in the Hist week of July..
Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
Originally posted by tchaiku View PostSome historians agrue the Slavic invasion of Greece was mostly Slavs running into empty lands and finding no one to slaughter.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostWhich historians argue that?
So the conclusion makes sense.
"Empty districts were thus left free to be colonized by the Slavs who now pressed southwards in greater numbers than ever . In the words of ..."
Christopher Montague Woodhouse · 1967 refer to Greece.
There are probably many more but this one came across first.
1) An Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece: From the Earliest ... By Henry Fynes Clinton
Page 293:
<Of Boeotia Strabo remarks, that "Thebes scarcely retains the form of a tolerable village; and the other cities are analogous to this, except Tanagra and Thespiae, for these hold together tolerably in comparison to Thebes." "Thespiae and Tanagra," he observes in another place, "alone subsist. Of the others the ruins and the names alone remain." Thebes in the time of Dio still continued desolate.
Thessaly in the time of Trajan was "desolate", Arcadia "depopulated". The desolation of Arcadia in the reign of Augustus is strongly marked by Strabo. "Megalopolis," he observes, "is in the state described by the comic poet; The great city is a great solitude." To the same purpose Pausanias in the age of Antonines: "Megalopolis has been deprived of all her ornaments and ancient opulence."
Laconia was favoured by Augustus, who erected 24 towns into an independent community, yet Strabo found only 30 towns in all Laconia. Acarnania and Aetolia were not very prosperous.>
2) Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1453 to 1768 By Molly Greene
This volume considers the period of Ottoman rule in Greek history in light of changing scholarship about this era and makes it accessible for the first time to a wider audience.
Thessaly and Boeotia:
<The depopulation of the plain is evoked by the fact that the archbishopric of Larissa had been deserted for several generations by the time Evrenos Bey arrived, as successive archbishops took refuge in Trikala, further west and closer to the mightly Pindos mountains. The church itself had been taken over by outlaws. Further south in Boeotia, records suggest that the entire kaza (district) of Thebes, an area of roughly 500 square miles, contained only one town and six villages in 1400.>
[Brutal. "Successive" archbishops were taking refuge in compact Christian Vlach-Arman regions: in Trikala, further west and closer to the mightly Pindos mountains.]Last edited by Carlin; 01-03-2021, 10:25 PM.
1908 British pundit in the Australian colonial press writes:
"Fine stalwart fellows are many of the royal guard, the "euzonoi" ... but their origin is apt to be Albanian or Vlach rather than ordinary "Greek." Fiery as is the modern Greek for the claims of his assumed descent and valuable as such stimulus may be, the fact cannot be blinked that the population now speaking Greek is one of the most mixed upon the surface of the globe."
The East and the West - Page 49, published 1868:
"... their character, their aspirations, with the mongrel subjects of the Porte, who are the descendants of the Genovese, Venetian or French settlers in the Levant, and how, though they use the Romaic as their vernacular, disdain to be called Greek, but classify themselves, by a religions instand of a national distinction, as Catholics."
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"In Constantinople there were 891,000 inhabitants, of whom 130,000 were called Greeks, though more than one-half were Sclavonians."
Greek Songwriter Takis Mousafiris Passes Away
Greek composer and songwriter Takis Mousafiris passed away on Thursday, according to a statement from his family.
Popular Greek composer and songwriter Takis Mousafiris has passed away, his family announced on Thursday.
According to a statement released by his loved ones, Mousafiris had been diagnosed with Covid-19 a week prior to his death, but eventually succumbed to cancer, from which he had been suffering for nearly a year.
Mousafiris, born in the city of Ioannina in northwestern Greece, was known as a “career maker,” as the songs he wrote were often top hits across the country.
He made his own career by performing and writing music and lyrics for singers in the Athenian neighborhood of Plaka in the 1980s.
Takis Mousafiris, a Vlach by origin, was influenced, as he himself said to G. Exarchos, in his songs from the Vlach tradition.
Many years ago I would have been called crazy for asserting that there are still some Vlach-speakers in Aetolia/Acarnania.
Now, we have video evidence:
Note, these small communities are actually "recent migrants" who arrived from the north, i.e. Epirus. The pre-existing/native population still consisted of the same stock of people and as late as 1814, Aetolia was called "Vlakia" (A Sketch of Modern and Antient Geography ... Third edition, By Samuel Butler, 1814.) Also, until relatively recently, it was claimed that "Northern Aetolia remains a desolate region, inhabited mainly by Vlach shepherds." (