Kyrou, Alexandros Kosmas, 1958-
Who Are the Macedonians? (review)
Journal of Modern Greek Studies - Volume 14, Number 2, October 1996, pp. 362-365
Hugh Poulton - Book Review: Who Are the Macedonians? - Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14:2 Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14.2 (1996) 362-365 Book Review Who Are the Macedonians? Hugh Poulton, Who Are the Macedonians? Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 1995. Pp. xvii + 218. $29.95 cloth.
Hugh Poulton does more to obfuscate than to answer the question posed in the title of his book. This brief tome attempts to merge history, ethnography, religion, economics, and state relations into a comprehensive study of Macedonia from antiquity to the present. The task of macrohistory is no easy one, and the result of Poulton's effort is disappointing. The book's nominal strengths justify all the effort, while its faults insure intense frustration and continued ignorance. Poulton may have much to teach the reader, but he so often misinforms that one soon doubts any net gain. Establishing the general pattern for the remainder of the book, the author shapes his review of ancient Macedonia around a fatuous historical presupposition. Specifically, Poulton's assertion that the ancient inhabitants of Macedonia were not Greeks might be treated seriously if it were supported by more than one outdated source and comically inventive observations such as: "The inhabitants of Macedonia at this time were of sturdier build than the southern Greeks and apparently more phlegmatic" (12-13). These introductory remarks are indicative of a central problem of this...
Who Are the Macedonians? (review)
Journal of Modern Greek Studies - Volume 14, Number 2, October 1996, pp. 362-365
Hugh Poulton - Book Review: Who Are the Macedonians? - Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14:2 Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14.2 (1996) 362-365 Book Review Who Are the Macedonians? Hugh Poulton, Who Are the Macedonians? Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 1995. Pp. xvii + 218. $29.95 cloth.
Hugh Poulton does more to obfuscate than to answer the question posed in the title of his book. This brief tome attempts to merge history, ethnography, religion, economics, and state relations into a comprehensive study of Macedonia from antiquity to the present. The task of macrohistory is no easy one, and the result of Poulton's effort is disappointing. The book's nominal strengths justify all the effort, while its faults insure intense frustration and continued ignorance. Poulton may have much to teach the reader, but he so often misinforms that one soon doubts any net gain. Establishing the general pattern for the remainder of the book, the author shapes his review of ancient Macedonia around a fatuous historical presupposition. Specifically, Poulton's assertion that the ancient inhabitants of Macedonia were not Greeks might be treated seriously if it were supported by more than one outdated source and comically inventive observations such as: "The inhabitants of Macedonia at this time were of sturdier build than the southern Greeks and apparently more phlegmatic" (12-13). These introductory remarks are indicative of a central problem of this...
page 13

The outdated source is none other than NGL Hammond. The same 20th century Philhellene Hammond who stated that the Albanians were the reason modern "greece" gained its independence.
More to come.
P.S.- If anyone has the full review I would appreciate it because I would love nothing more than to see what Mr. Kyrou's thoughts are on the rest of Poulton's book.