NEVER EVER we macedonians will celebrate with TATARIANS

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  • Dimko-piperkata
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1876

    NEVER EVER we macedonians will celebrate with TATARIANS

    Историчарите против заедничко славење на празниците со Бугариј

    Бугарските европратеници преку амандман побараа и промоција на заеднички прослави на културните и историските наследства со соседите.

    - Македонија и Бугарија треба заедно да го слават заедничкото културно и историско наследство. Ако Германија и Франција, кои се бореа една против друга во двете светски војни, можат да го направат тоа, зашто ние би можеле - вели бугарскиот европратеник Младенов. Македонските историчари се против заедничко одбележување на празниците со Бугарија.

    - Ако ги прашате бугарските историчари да дефинираат кои се заеднички празници, ќе ви одговорат - сите, зашто сметаат дека целата македонска историја е бугарска. Ние како Македонци си имаме наши празници и нема зошто да ги славиме заедно. Илинден е македонски празник, а не бугарски - вели Александар Литовски, историчар. Според академикот Блаже Ристевски, зад ваквата идеја што Бугарија ја турка во институциите на ЕУ се крие намерата на Софија да ја поддржи Атина во нејзините настојувања да ја снема Македонија. Идејата за заедничко чествување на Илинден и други празници пред три години прв ја промовира Владо Бучковски, како тогашен премиер, заедно со неговиот бугарски колега, Сергеј Станишев. Бучковски беше убеден дека заедничката балканска историја може да значи европска иднина.

    - Некои погрешно сфаќаат дека на Илинден ако дојде кој било заедно да чествува, со тоа би приграбил дел од нашата историја. Не, напротив, би ја потврдил самобитноста на македонскиот народ - изјавуваше тогаш Бучковски. Претседателот Бранко Црвенковски тогаш се изјасни против ваквата иницијатива, иако Бучковски тврдеше дека тој и Станишев ќе се приклучат кон идејата на претседателите на двете земји за заедничко чествување на празниците. Историчарите стравуваат дека зад ваквата иницијатива се кријат големобугарските интереси.

    Младенов: Ние не шириме „говор на омраза“ против Македонија

    Бугарија не го прифаќа и реагира на „говорот на омраза“ и затоа не е можно преку бугарските медиуми истото да и го правиме на Македонија, одговара Николај Младенов, бугарски европратеник, кој лани преку предложен амандман предупреди на „говорот на омраза“ во македонските медиуми.

    - Во македонските медиуми и во учебниците што се користат во училиштата се користи „говор на омраза“, кој е навредлив кон Бугарија. Дали нема да се навредите ако во медиумите се објават наслови како „Бугаринот секогаш си останува само црн Бугарин“ или ако вашиот народ го наречат „Скиталачко племе“, прашува Младенов. За ОМО Илинден тврди дека сè уште не се регистрира зашто не го почитува законот при поднесување на документите во судот.

    fuck u tatarian invader !
    these glory feasts are "established" because macedonian blood has been shed because of the tatarian bastards !
    Last edited by Dimko-piperkata; 01-24-2009, 12:09 PM.
    1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
    2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...
  • Thorvald
    • Jan 2009
    • 145

    Aren't the Bulgarians not from Iran, so did I heard?
    European preservation


    • makedonin
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 1668

      Edit: I made a mistake, sorry
      Last edited by makedonin; 01-24-2009, 04:12 PM.
      To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


      • Orovnichanec
        • Sep 2008
        • 410

        Makedonin you have the wrong impression of Thorvald, Throvald isn't a Greek, or Bulgarian, or any of our neighbors, he is of Germanic stock and a friend of MacedonianTruth
        "Oh, Macedonians! It is time we realized that the greatest demon Macedonia must battle against is none other than Bulgaria" - Krste Petkov Misirkov


        • Dimko-piperkata
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 1876

          ja @makedonin
          er ist ein freund makedoniens und er spricht auch deutsch
          1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
          2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


          • makedonin
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1668

            Ich bin müde Dimko, ich habe Thorvald mit dem TerraNova schwein verwechselt!

            Danke für den tipp
            To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


            • Thorvald
              • Jan 2009
              • 145

              Originally posted by makedonin View Post
              Ich bin müde Dimko, ich habe Thorvald mit dem TerraNova schwein verwechselt!

              Danke für den tipp

              Kein problem, mein freund

              Iam no friends of Greek chauvenists

              Your people are one of my most beloved non-Germanic groups in Europe, I stand at your side in your right on selfdetermination and to expose Greek lies and propaganda.

              Long live Macedonia
              European preservation


              • Dimko-piperkata
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1876

                Originally posted by Thorvald View Post
                Aren't the Bulgarians not from Iran, so did I heard?
                NO , SIR...

                In den uns heute bekannten Quellen finden die Bulgaren erstmals Mitte des 4. Jh. n. Chr.
                Erwähnung. Das erste bulgarische Staatswesen ging aus einem Bündnis von Protobulgaren, einem
                aus Zentralasien stammenden Turkvolk
                , und sieben ansässigen slawischen Stämmen in einer
                Auseinandersetzung mit dem oströmischen Reich hervor. Der Friedensvertrag aus dem Jahr 681
                gilt als die Geburtsstunde Bulgariens.Wie für ganz Südosteuropa waren in den darauffolgenden
                Jahrhunderten ständige Veränderungen der territorialen und machtpolitischen Verhältnisse
                auch für Bulgarien kennzeichnend. Dabei wurden weite Teile des Balkans im Zuge einer
                imperialen Ausweitung des bulgarischen Herrschaftsbereiches zwischenzeitlich in ein
                bulgarisches Großreich eingegliedert. Übertragen auf heutige Verhältnisse handelte es sich
                um die Staatsgebiete Bulgariens und Makedoniens sowie Teile Serbiens, Albaniens,
                Griechenlands und Rumäniens. Während der Regierungszeit von Boris I. (857-888), der in
                Bulgarien das Christentum einführte, vor allem aber seines Sohnes Simeon I. (893-927), der
                sich nach einem Sieg über die byzantinische Streitmacht zum Zaren krönen ließ, erlebte
                Bulgarien in politischer, wirtschaftlicher und kultureller Hinsicht eine erste Blütezeit.
                Durch den Vorfrieden von San Stefano (3. März 1878) entstand zunächst ein autonomes
                Groß-Bulgarien unter Einschluß von Makedonien und Westthrakien, welches durch den Berliner
                Kongreß im darauffolgenden Jahr jedoch wieder aufgeteilt wurde. Zurückblieb ein Fürstentum
                Bulgarien, das zwar formal unter osmanischer Oberhoheit verblieb, faktisch jedoch unter
                russischer Vorherrschaft stand. 1879 wurde eine Verfassung eingeführt, die das Land zu einer
                demokratisch-konstitutionellen Erbmonarchie mit einem Einkammerparlament erklärte. Nach dem
                Vorbild der belgischen Verfassung abgefaßt, gehörte sie zu den liberalsten Verfassungen
                Europas und sollte formal bis 1947 Bestand haben.

                Am 5. Oktober 1908 proklamierte Fürst Ferdinand von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha die völlige Unabhängigkeit Bulgariens und erklärte sich selbst zum Zaren des souveränen Königreiches Bulgarien. Im 1. Balkankrieg (1912) kämpfte Bulgarien an der Seite der Entente und eroberte
                Thrakien und Makedonien; unzufrieden mit der Aufteilung der von der Türkei abgetretenen Gebiete, griff es jedoch 1913 Serbien und Griechenland an. Bulgarien wurde besiegt, woraufhin das von den Bulgaren begehrte Makedonien an Serbien und Griechenland, das südliche
                Dobruja an Rumänien fiel
                1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                • Thorvald
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 145


                  Some Bulgars on SF were claiming that they originated from Iran
                  European preservation


                  • Dimko-piperkata
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1876

                    Originally posted by Thorvald View Post

                    Some Bulgars on SF were claiming that they originated from Iran
                    wait a moment I´ll try discover my favorit-links to find a DNA proof...
                    1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                    2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                    • Thorvald
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 145

                      Originally posted by Dimko-piperkata View Post
                      wait a moment I´ll try discover my favorit-links to find a DNA proof...

                      Cool; thats sounds even better
                      European preservation


                      • Dimko-piperkata
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1876


                        Over 500 unrelated individuals from the three major population groups in Bulgaria (Bulgarians, Bulgarian Turks and Roma) were analyzed for 17 highly polymorphic DNA loci (7 autosomal, one X-linked and 9 Y-chromosomal) to study the genetic structure of the Bulgarian population. Significant differences in both allele and genotype/haplotype frequencies were observed between three population groups. Bulgarian Turks showed to be the most heterogeneous group in Bulgaria with the highest variability in all studied loci. In seven of 17 investigated loci they demonstrated significant differences with Bulgarian allele frequencies. The exact test of sample differentiation between Bulgarians and Bulgarian Turks, based on Y-haplotype data, showed insignificant differences (P=0.13), while AMOVA analysis of Y-haplotypes revealed low, but significant Fst (0.027; P<0.00001). Network analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotypes demonstrated high level of haplotype sharing and clustering of some rare "adjacent" Bulgarian and Turkish haplotypes that could be due to admixture between Bulgarians and Bulgarian Turks. Bulgarian Roma can be clearly distinguished from Bulgarians and Bulgarian Turks on the basis of 15-13 of 17 analyzed loci (Y-chromosomal Fst=0.101 - 0.04, P<0.00001). Despite the observed strong founder "Vlax Roma" effect of Y-chromosome haplotype distribution in this group, the network analysis revealed several Y-haplotype clusters thus suggesting heterogeneous structure of this group. Y-chromosomal haplotype distributions in the three studied Bulgarian population groups were compared with the neighboring Balkan populations. Observed heterogeneity of Bulgarian population is important for genetic studies and forensic practice in Bulgaria.
                        balkan, journal, human, genetics, manu, macedonian, macedonia, skopje, biotechnology, efremov, Academy, Sciences and Arts

                        and heres another one about the greeks

                        have a look @ the distance between greeks and turks
                        1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                        2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                        • Thorvald
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 145

                          Even without DNA-proof its pretty much clear that Greeks and Turks are racial brothers.

                          In my town we have a large community of Muslem Turks, Greeks and Suryoye (Turkish Christians); three ethnic groups who hate one another to the bones, but you can't tell them apart.
                          European preservation


                          • Dimko-piperkata
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1876

                            Originally posted by Thorvald View Post
                            Even without DNA-proof its pretty much clear that Greeks and Turks are racial brothers.

                            In my town we have a large community of Muslem Turks, Greeks and Suryoye (Turkish Christians); three ethnic groups who hate one another to the bones, but you can't tell them apart.
                            right, just open your eyes and use your brain to see the truth

                            for example...
                            i speak german without any accent, when i tell germans that I´m not german but ethnic macedonian they wonder, coz there is no different
                            blue eyed and blonde
                            1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                            2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                            • Pelister
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2742

                              Originally posted by Thorvald View Post

                              Some Bulgars on SF were claiming that they originated from Iran
                              Somewhere near the Urals I think, close to Mongolia or there abouts apparently.

                              Apparently they first appeared around the 8th or 9th century on the Danube, and contemporaries portrayed them as Oriental looking people in art work and paintings.

