Unusual events in Skopje today: Flood, Hail, Earthquake, Sinkhole...
electromagnetic radiation has its uses but to say that it causes earthquakes etc is pure speculation.I don't beleive them you know the sun is the biggest producer of electromagnetic radiation.WE are literally bombarded all the time with the suns energy.So to claim that it causes earthquakes the jury is still out on that one.
This is dated may 25th.
The HAARP station, run by military forces and blamed by some for a wide variety of tragedies, is being shut down. Ending the program may just feed more conspiracy theories.
Why did Velimir Abramovic say this, does he have evidence? How can he prove this theory.Last edited by Redsun; 05-26-2014, 06:11 AM.
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Scientist: Massive Floods in Serbia and Bosnia caused by HAARP
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
"Today the HAARP system was turned off, expect eartquakes in the next several days", stated Serbian professor and scientist Velimir Abramovic during a radio broadcast on May 19th.
Abramovic said while the rain lasted in Serbia, there was not a single thunder, which according to him is highly unusual. The rain that fell, he says, didn't appear like normal rain, rather it fell as if someone was unleashing an entire swimming pool each second. This, according to professor Abramovic are characteristics of an artificially created weather pattern designed by the HAARP systems.
"It seemes as if the sky opened, and sea of water fell from it. These were not rain droplets that you would typically expect to see. This was a designed weather pattern which I might add is not the first, nor will it be the last by HAARP." says Abramovic.
Interesting to note, during the same interview for Radio "Snaga Naroda" Abramovic predicted that once the HAARP system is turned off, there would be earthquakes. Two days after his prediction, Albania was rattled by a strong 5.2 earthquake which sent the local population in panic. Many homes were damaged, while Abramovic predicted more quakes to come.
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Heavy downpour causes flooding in Macedonian capital
Monday, 26 May 2014
An emergency meeting was held this evening by city officials to ensure proper response to heavy rainfall that caused certain areas of the city to flood.
Crirical points in the city were pointed, among which are the bridge at "Stokovna kukja", and several boulevards where residents were forced to abandon their vehicles.
Skopje's mayor Trajanovski announced there are teams at all critical locations and believes the floods will be quickly taken care of.
Macedonian weather and meteorology agency announced more rains tomorrow.
Skopje also saw a significant amount of hail during the day.
Is HAARP to blame for this? Of course, one can only speculate, however must be noted Serb scientist Abramovic may be onto something as everything he had said during the past ten days turned out to be correct. In an interview for a Serb radio station he stated the HAARP system is being turned on and off and then back on again (there has been additional flooding in both Bosnia and Serbia in the past 24 hours, and now Macedonia). Abramovic also predicted earthquakes in the region which typically occur when the HAARP system is turned off - four days after his prediction multiple strong quakes were reported in Albania, Turkey, Greece and just several hours ago a 3.7 quake was resgistered in Macedonia's capital.
The amount of hail that fell in Skopje in just few hours was extraordinary, see photo below.Last edited by Volokin; 05-26-2014, 05:02 AM.
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Unusual events in Skopje today: Flood, Hail, Earthquake, Sinkhole...
Скопје - Невреме, поплави и земјотрес
Дупка проголта возила во Лисиче
Во 23.05 часот Скопје го затресе земјотрес од 3,5 степени
Last edited by Niko777; 05-25-2014, 06:03 PM.Tags: None
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