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  • Komita
    Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post

    Funny how you mentioned the Ottoman Empire, many old people i used to hear and read about say that they had it much better living in the ottoman empire and had more religious and cultural freedom under ottoman rule - then say living in Pirin macedonia, Aegean Macedonia or "Vardar Banovina"..... i think that says a lot about our "orthodox brothers".

    But i agree with you, ordinary people dont mix church and politics together and it should be like that. Its a pity those idiots in Grease used the orthodox church as a propaganda tool to transform and mutate albanians, macedonians and vlach into "greeks". And then we have those real good christians from Serbia who used the three finger orthodox salute when killing innocent croats and bosniaks - they pretty much turned the three finger salute into the modern day nazi salute.

    God must be real proud of these christians.....
    Your a joke, dont ever reply to my posts because the post I see from you are like the one's I see on bbc comments or a siptar forum.
    When was the last time your prayed? Fasted? Went to church?
    Lived like it says in the Bible..?
    When you done half of the things the priests do in orthodox churches you can speak on this matter until then shut up.

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  • Komita
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    He is trying to be optimistic, but what is the message you are trying to convey with this article, that this Serb bishop states the doors of the SOC are open to their "brothers" in Macedonia? And there is no problem that cannot be solved without the goodwill of "both sides"? What do they want from our side?

    Komita, please give us some answers mate, what exactly is Macedonia supposed to give or sellout now for the 'dobra volja' of the SOC?

    Zoshto ne mu davash (SOC) kritika be choek, sho gi branish ko gledash deka isti se ko drugite za vakvi raboti?
    I'm not saying anything. Thought I should post his first interview where he talks about MPC.
    What "kritika" are you talking about?
    It's against our teachings to judge and swear against priests and church individuals and against OUR orthodox churches.
    I let God judge them, our priests the greek priests. If we dont show respect for our faith I bet no one else will.

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Originally posted by Komita View Post
    If it's ottoman mindset you should praise it like everything else that it's ottoman or ottoman history like most of you do.
    Orthodox believers from all countries visit eachother churches and monasteries and light candles and pray.
    Most ordinary people dont mix church politics.

    Funny how you mentioned the Ottoman Empire, many old people i used to hear and read about say that they had it much better living in the ottoman empire and had more religious and cultural freedom under ottoman rule - then say living in Pirin macedonia, Aegean Macedonia or "Vardar Banovina"..... i think that says a lot about our "orthodox brothers".

    But i agree with you, ordinary people dont mix church and politics together and it should be like that. Its a pity those idiots in Grease used the orthodox church as a propaganda tool to transform and mutate albanians, macedonians and vlach into "greeks". And then we have those real good christians from Serbia who used the three finger orthodox salute when killing innocent croats and bosniaks - they pretty much turned the three finger salute into the modern day nazi salute.

    God must be real proud of these christians.....

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Komita View Post
    Njegova svetost gospodin Irinej (Gavrilović) u svom prvom intervjuu od ustoličenja za patrijarha uputio je preko "Vesti" svoj prvi blagoslov sveštenstvu i srpskom narodu u rasejanju na svim kontinentima.

    Da li imate dobre vesti za Srbe i druge pravoslavne u Makedoniji pošto je arhiepiskop Stefan iz nepriznate Makedonske crkve bio na Vašem ustoličenju?

    "Vrata naše Crkve su otvorena za našu braću iz Makedonije. Mi bismo se isto tako obradovali ne manjom radošću nego oni da se nađe način da ponovo stupimo u blagodatnu zajednicu jednog naroda u Crkvi Hristovoj uz njihovu punu autonomiju. I da zaista imamo kontakt, pre svega liturgijski. Naša vrata su za te razgovore otvorena, mada su sada problemi i teškoće veći nego što su bili ranije. Ali, nema problema koji se ne može rešiti uz obostrano dobru volju. Može se naći rešenje ove zaista bolne rane naše Crkve. "

    Vesti, 26. 01. 2010.
    He is trying to be optimistic, but what is the message you are trying to convey with this article, that this Serb bishop states the doors of the SOC are open to their "brothers" in Macedonia? And there is no problem that cannot be solved without the goodwill of "both sides"? What do they want from our side?

    Komita, please give us some answers mate, what exactly is Macedonia supposed to give or sellout now for the 'dobra volja' of the SOC?

    Zoshto ne mu davash (SOC) kritika be choek, sho gi branish ko gledash deka isti se ko drugite za vakvi raboti?

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  • Komita
    Njegova svetost gospodin Irinej (Gavrilović) u svom prvom intervjuu od ustoličenja za patrijarha uputio je preko "Vesti" svoj prvi blagoslov sveštenstvu i srpskom narodu u rasejanju na svim kontinentima.

    Da li imate dobre vesti za Srbe i druge pravoslavne u Makedoniji pošto je arhiepiskop Stefan iz nepriznate Makedonske crkve bio na Vašem ustoličenju?

    "Vrata naše Crkve su otvorena za našu braću iz Makedonije. Mi bismo se isto tako obradovali ne manjom radošću nego oni da se nađe način da ponovo stupimo u blagodatnu zajednicu jednog naroda u Crkvi Hristovoj uz njihovu punu autonomiju. I da zaista imamo kontakt, pre svega liturgijski. Naša vrata su za te razgovore otvorena, mada su sada problemi i teškoće veći nego što su bili ranije. Ali, nema problema koji se ne može rešiti uz obostrano dobru volju. Može se naći rešenje ove zaista bolne rane naše Crkve. "

    Vesti, 26. 01. 2010.
    Last edited by Komita; 01-27-2010, 08:08 AM.

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  • Komita
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    Last edited by Komita; 01-27-2010, 08:09 AM.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Komita
    If it's ottoman mindset you should praise it like everything else that it's ottoman or ottoman history like most of you do.
    Who is most of us? Do me a favour mate and don't generalise like that, because you draw a false picture that you cannot corroborate.
    Most ordinary people dont mix church politics.
    So that means that the SOC priests and bishops, along with a large chunk of Serbian society, are not ordinary people. Correct? You refuse to criticise the SOC?

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  • Komita
    If it's ottoman mindset you should praise it like everything else that it's ottoman or ottoman history like most of you do.
    Orthodox believers from all countries visit eachother churches and monasteries and light candles and pray.
    Most ordinary people dont mix church politics.

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  • makedonin
    It is the ottoman mindset Osiris.

    Religion = Identity. There were Raya and Moslems. Than from Raya, everybody wanted independence and fought to make it's own church, so that their Identity will fit to the ottoman mindset. However Churches appeared, that had no historical exitence prior the creation of the national state.

    I don't think that God is going on any National line, as the Orthodox Churches are doing.

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  • osiris
    i am imagining god sitting around the table in heavn getting his reports on whats happening on the ground on earth. i wonder if he or she takes sides along national lines. all orthodox churches use the same liturgy and ostensibly worship the same god, you wouldnt know it listening to the various leaders of the grik srb i bugarski popoi. why must we sound exactly like those idiots, is it implicit in the faith. sounds like ebi veter to me i dont find any relevance in any religious institutions anymore. they are all a waste of time and effort. our church is wasting its time trying to appease our balkan orhodox bretheren.

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  • osiris
    whats the point in national churches, does your god think along the ame lines.

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  • Komita
    Originally posted by Prolet View Post
    SOM, Technically the way things stand at this moment we are an Autonomous SPC church just like the MonteNegran Orthodox church is for example. I cant speculate about ArchBishop Stefan however three of his Bishops signed the Nish Accord and he didnt sanction them or at least nothing was given out in public so i'll let you make up your own mind.

    I will say that i dont like how things are going at the moment, because the Nish Accord was never implemented and the Serbian ArchBishop is pushing for it which doesnt give us Aftokefalnost at all, we still remain part of the SPC Hierarchy.
    Prolet sto posting about stuff you dont know.
    The Montenegrin Orthodox Church is a part of SPC and a overwhelming majority in Montengero is a part of it, it holds the highest confidence among the people in Montenegro higher then the government, police etc.
    The Montenegrin church your talking about has about 30 000 followers mostly around Cetinje.

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  • Prolet
    Interesting point raised, whats the current situation in Pirinska Makedonija?? Im sure the Bulgarians are just as concerned.

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  • Rogi
    Aegean Macedonia was under the jurisdiction of the Ohrid Archbishopric.

    When the Ohrid Archbishopric was abolished, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople took jurisdiction over all diocese in Aegean Macedonia.

    Today, all of Aegean Macedonia is still under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and not under the Greek Orthodox Church (GOC).

    Currently, the GOC only administers the dioceses in Aegean Macedonia because of an agreement with Constantinople, but the GOC does not have a legitimate jurisdiction over those dioceses.

    There is a school of thought, and perhaps the explanation of the Greek position (and thus the Serbian position), that if the Macedonian Orthodox Church is recognised by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, as the legitimate heir of the Ohrid Archbishopric, then the Macedonian Orthodox Church could and would have legitimate claims for jurisdiction over the dioceses in Aegean Macedonia.

    Therein lies the problem and the reason why Greece will do anything to keep the Serbian Orthodox Church from recognising the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    I don't think there is one Prolet, but then again, do you think Constantinople has always been comfortable with the autonomous nature of Ohrid? Or any other church for that matter? Just take a look at their reaction to the creation of Greek and Bulgar churches in the 19th century, things differ now because the Greek-speaking clergy has corrupted and polluted Constantinople with their Neohellenic nationalism (the same Neohellenism they furiously rejected when it first transpired during the 1800's). It is not us, but them, who have corrupted Orthodoxy to its foundations.

    Vangelovski said it best when he stated: I don't think they should be wasting their time negotiating the status of the MOC. God is not going to ask us if other Orthodox churches "recognise" us. - Before the eyes of God, we are all equal, we don't deny anybody's equality in this respect, it is the Serbs, Greeks and Bulgars who do. Let God be the judge.

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