Financial Crisis in Greece

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  • TojSum
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2012
    • 54

    Bosch CEO Franz Fehrenbach called for Greece to be kicked out of the EU because it is an “unbearable” burden. “This state with its phantom pensioners and rich people that don’t pay taxes, a state without a functioning administration, has no place in the EU,” he told Manager magazine.

    "The treaties indeed confirm what we have been saying here: the treaty doesn't foresee an exit from the euro zone without exiting the EU, so indeed that is the current situation," European Commission spokeswoman Karolina Kottova said.

    Now i realy want to see how EU will find a "mutually acceptable solution" with Greece Just to show us how does that works with greece because for years force us to do the same.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Yet another Bandaid on the gaping wound called Greece.
      The "birthplace" of democracy and other unoriginal thoughts will not make it through this round of handouts. The necessary change in mindset will not happen for the poor Greeks so entrenched in their 19th century mentality.

      I suspect this recent handout was facilitated by setting up all necessary parameters to gain the most from the fall that is inevitable.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Bill77
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2009
        • 4545

        Greek-Australians Call for special working visas for Greeks

        There is a call from within the Greek-Australian community for the Federal Government to introduce a special working visa for Greeks needing to escape the economic slump in their country.

        Today marks the start of the month-long Greek festival of Sydney, where thousands of Greek-Australians turn out to celebrate their heritage.

        One of the groups behind the event is the Greek Orthodox Community of NSW.

        Chairman Harry Danalis says this year is particularly important to show solidarity with the people suffering in Greece.

        "No-one can see an end in sight despite the loans, despite the austerity measures," he said.

        Mr Danalis says with around 750,000 people of Greek heritage in Australia, the Federal Government could do something practical to help, such as a special working visa for skilled workers.

        "In an hour of need we think it would speed up the process if there was a bilateral agreement," he said.

        "A working visa would give an opportunity to those to come out for a short time help Australia with its work needs and also send some money back to families who have either had their income reduced or had their main breadwinners unemployed."

        A meeting with some senior Greek community groups is being held in Melbourne next week to discuss what Greek-Australians can do to help.
        Problem is,
        A) We have enough lazy people here in Australia.
        B) I'd rather have more Middle Eastern immigrants that are less fanatical and more humane.
        C)Special visas should be granted to people far more deserving (and there is plenty of them) not these lying, cheating, ungrateful, brainwashed crooks that have laid their own bed and now can't sleep in it. Well tough reap what you sewed.
        Last edited by Bill77; 02-24-2012, 11:55 PM.


        • Brian
          • Oct 2011
          • 1130

          Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
          Greek-Australians Call for special working visas for Greeks

          Problem is,
          A) We have enough lazy people here in Australia.
          B) I'd rather have more Middle Eastern immigrants that are less fanatical and more humane.
          C)Special visas should be granted to people far more deserving (and there is plenty of them) not these lying, cheating, ungrateful, brainwashed crooks that have laid their own bed and now can't sleep in it. Well tough reap what you sewed.
          And why do Greeks deserve special treatment to alleviate their unemployment problem? Are there not other countries who have high unemployment like Italy, Spain and Portugal let alone a host of countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America?

          But more to the point, the scumbag Greeks did it to themselves with high salaries with 14 month payments per year and bonuses for turning up for work on time (ahh...shouldn't they be doing it anyway?) and lavish pensions begining at 45 - 50. They deserve NO help at all.


          • Onur
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 2389

            Originally posted by Brian View Post
            And why do Greeks deserve special treatment to alleviate their unemployment problem? Are there not other countries who have high unemployment like Italy, Spain and Portugal let alone a host of countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America?

            But more to the point, the scumbag Greeks did it to themselves with high salaries with 14 month payments per year and bonuses for turning up for work on time (ahh...shouldn't they be doing it anyway?) and lavish pensions begining at 45 - 50. They deserve NO help at all.
            Brain, it`s because Asian, African, Latin American people are used to live according to their country`s real economic standards. Italian, Spanish and Portuguese people are much more realistic people, aware of the problems and hold on against the problems if necessary but also resist if it`s caused by external elements.

            Greeks on the other hand, used to live way beyond their standards by constantly getting loans with ridiculously low interest rates for more than a decade just because they are in the Eurozone. They are not aware of the economical realities of their country and selfishly demand to live as it was before.

            For example, 5-10 years ago, everything was fine in Greece, they were supposedly a rich european country, swimming pools, yachts, bmw, mercedes etc. Tell me what was the difference between Greece of 2000 and today`s Greece of 2012? A big Zero. In 2000, Greece had no industry or no agriculture again. Basically, the only thing they were producing/manufacturing was olives and tourism. Today it`s same, olives and tourism. The difference is, they were able to live in German standards 10 years ago because of those cheap loans but today, they cannot get loans anymore, simply because, despite that low interest rates, they took ridicules amount of debt and it`s 170% of their GDP today, it`s finished anymore, their dream is over. It was meant to finish sooner or later because Germans lives in their current standards because it`s a 70 million populated country with millions of migrant work force, providing world`s no.1 industrial production. It was absurd for Greeks to live in same standards with only olives&tourism.

            Watch this Greek economist named Yanis Varoufakis, desperately wants ECB to recapitalize all EU banks forcefully and redistribute all European wealth to all EU members regardless their nation`s own share, contribution. His explanation is; "We are all Europeans, there is no such a thing as Greeks or Germans, quit thinking about nations. Germans helped ex-commie eastern Germans after Berlin wall collapsed, why they are not helping Greeks now? Arent we all Europeans?"

            I laughed out loud while i listen to him Watch it from 7:07min.;
            Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis on Greek economic problems (20Feb12) - YouTube

            I mean, if ECB gives same insane amount of loans to Macedonia today, you can live in swiss standards for a decade, much richer than Greece ever was because of 2 million population but would it represent Macedonia`s true economical power?

            Even the current standards of Greece is still doesn't represent their true economical worth because they are still able to get loans from IMF/ECB. We will see true Greek economy when ECB quits giving loans and when they will officially go bust this year. The true Greek economy is no different than Albania or Bulgaria. Do you think olives and so so tourism are enough to provide more than Macedonia`s living standards to the 10 million Greek citizens? Greece will be worse than Macedonia in economics wise in the end because they have 4 times more population than you, we all will see that this year and i dont think selfish Greeks who used to live in German standards will get along with it. I seriously expect revolution or coup d`etat of military junta in Greece when they go bust this year.
            Last edited by Onur; 02-25-2012, 11:15 AM.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              the greeks are only themselves to blame.No one else..They dont desrve any help from anyone.Greece should be booted out of the eu.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                Greek-Australians Call for special working visas for Greeks

                Problem is,
                A) We have enough lazy people here in Australia.
                B) I'd rather have more Middle Eastern immigrants that are less fanatical and more humane.
                C)Special visas should be granted to people far more deserving (and there is plenty of them) not these lying, cheating, ungrateful, brainwashed crooks that have laid their own bed and now can't sleep in it. Well tough reap what you sewed.
                Another problem is that Greece needs these people to actually work in Greece. To create new industries and grow the Greek economy. Otherwise it will become another Bulgaria with everyone leaving at the soonest opportunity.

                No, Australia needs to help the Greeks by telling them to stay where they are.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Brian
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1130

                  Originally posted by Onur View Post
                  Greeks on the other hand, used to live way beyond their standards by constantly getting loans with ridiculously low interest rates for more than a decade just because they are in the Eurozone. They are not aware of the economical realities of their country and selfishly demand to live as it was before.

                  For example, 5-10 years ago, everything was fine in Greece, they were supposedly a rich european country, swimming pools, yachts, bmw, mercedes etc. Tell me what was the difference between Greece of 2000 and today`s Greece of 2012? A big Zero. In 2000, Greece had no industry or no agriculture again. Basically, the only thing they were producing/manufacturing was olives and tourism. Today it`s same, olives and tourism. The difference is, they were able to live in German standards 10 years ago because of those cheap loans but today, they cannot get loans anymore, simply because, despite that low interest rates, they took ridicules amount of debt and it`s 170% of their GDP today, it`s finished anymore, their dream is over.

                  Watch this Greek economist named Yanis Varoufakis, desperately wants ECB to recapitalize all EU banks forcefully and redistribute all European wealth to all EU members regardless their nation`s own share, contribution. His explanation is; "We are all Europeans, there is no such a thing as Greeks or Germans, quit thinking about nations. Germans helped ex-commie eastern Germans after Berlin wall collapsed, why they are not helping Greeks now? Arent we all Europeans?"

                  I laughed out loud while i listen to him Watch it from 7:07min.;
                  Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis on Greek economic problems (20Feb12) - YouTube
                  Just look at 8:13 to end
                  His solutions...
                  1. Let's unify all the EU banks
                  so the sucky debt riden Greek banks can disappear and blend in with profitable banks?

                  2. Let's put the public debt with the EU central bank.
                  So let's take Greece's debt and leave it with the EU central bank ie with everyone in the EU - that will fix Greece's debt problem, just shove it off to someone else...Ehh...Elleni, this credit card's maxed out, give it to the neighbour.

                  3. Take the (German's) "idle savings" and invest (read give) in "the countries that need it the most" you mean like Greece that is in need of investment? But wasn't giving lot's of cheap money to the Greeks that caused the problem and didn't he say that at the start of the clip...DUHH...Lying Greeks.
                  Last edited by Brian; 02-25-2012, 05:28 PM.


                  • ar_makedon armageddon
                    Junior Member
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 20

                    MACEDONIA , Risto Krapovski " DA NE ZABORAVITE " - YouTube

                    Greece deserves hell.
                    We make war that we may live in peace.



                    • Onur
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 2389

                      Brain, it`s so funny but in ironic way. I`ll never be able to comprehend this eurocentric, globalist, federalist EU freaks. They are so disconnected from realities that it`s unbelievable.

                      The communist east Germany was just a temporary phase for taming the Germans after the war. They were the brothers of the western Germans, forcefully separated from their relatives. How come this Greek europhil can compare their situation with that? He is a hairy Greek from mediterranean, they are hard working but boring Germans from western Europe ffs.

                      Europe is a name of a continent and there is no such an ethnicity called Europeans. But take a look at these lowlifes trying to brainwash children to create an artificial EU ethnicity;
                      European Union brainwashing school children (18Feb12) - YouTube
                      Last edited by Onur; 02-25-2012, 06:38 PM.


                      • DirtyCodingHabitz
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 835

                        Europe is a name of a continent and there is no such an ethnicity called Europeans. But take a look at these lowlifes trying to brainwash children to create an artificial EU ethnicity;
                        Reminds me of Australian schools. Telling kids we are all Australians/aussies and that we are all the same. It's funny how they push ethnic diversity, but they don't want people to feel diverse, instead they want them to feel Australian/aussie.


                        • Brian
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1130

                          From the pictures thus far there does not appear to be the 'unbearable poverty' some are making it out to be - maybe this is why.

                          Anxious Greeks Emptying Their Bank Accounts

                          Many Greeks are draining their savings accounts because they are out of work, face rising taxes or are afraid the country will be forced to leave the euro zone. By withdrawing money, they are forcing banks to scale back their lending -- and are inadvertently making the recession even worse.
                          Rest of article in Link.
                          Greece in flames over cuts (while fat-cats secretly shift €228billion into Swiss banks accounts)

                          The revelation comes on the day 50,000 people took to the streets of Athens in what has turned into a violent protest at the debt-ridden country's austerity measures.

                          Fat-cat Greeks have secretly shifted more than €228billion euros out of their country's crisis-hit banks and into accounts in Switzerland, according to a report.

                          The big money is fleeing the country as rich Greeks fear the possible re-introduction of their old currency, the drachma, would instantly halve the value of their euros if they are left in Greek banks.
                          Most of the money is being transferred via Cyprus by Greek industrialists using their foreign subsidiaries to channel it out of the debt-ridden country, where tens of thousands of workers launched a general strike yesterday.


                          • George S.
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 10116

                            pretty soon greece will be kicked out of the eu.The austerity measures are really not going far enough & they are just going to be squandered like the other money.A lot of people would be fleeing the country as the banks can't gurantee their money is safe.I predict a huge panic & looting etc.
                            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                            GOTSE DELCEV


                            • Phoenix
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4671

                              Originally posted by Brian View Post
                              From the pictures thus far there does not appear to be the 'unbearable poverty' some are making it out to be - maybe this is why.
                              What are you talking about...?

                              One of the greatest dangers to the banking system is customers withdrawing their deposits in large numbers...

                              greece is already experiencing 20%+ unemployment, economic uncertainty and now a run on the banking system...the "unbearable poverty" is just around the corner...

                              If the current crisis isn't turned around very quickly greece will lose a generation of professionals, the middle class and entrepreneur's...greece will suffer the same fate as South Africa.


                              • Onur
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 2389

                                Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
                                Reminds me of Australian schools. Telling kids we are all Australians/aussies and that we are all the same. It's funny how they push ethnic diversity, but they don't want people to feel diverse, instead they want them to feel Australian/aussie.
                                Well, it`s quite normal for Australia because it`s a multi-cultural country in a new continent, just like USA. They do that to create and maintain some kind of unity between all that different type of people by uniting them with english language.

                                But in fact, every sane person should be aware that these people are the Australians, not you;

                                You are a Macedonian who happened to be born in Australia but you are not an Australian, you are just a citizen of Australia.

                                But thats not the case in Europe. No matter how much they try, they cant create united states of Europe.

