"Two antique necropolises dating from the 4th-5th century BC have been thoroughly researched. The results from the research are quite impressive, we have mapped all of the important spots. The findings complete the picture, i.e. the mosaic for discovering the Fourth Macedonian Merida
Staro Bonce
From the book Kokino giving gifts to God.
The second cult object is located on a hill Kolkot in the immediate vicinity of about 300 meters southeast of the tomb of Pavla Čuka (Fig. 6). Archaeological excavations were carried out at this site only in 1985, when a circular wall with dimensions of about 30 meters in diameter and a 1.20 meter preserved height was discovered, built of
crushed stone and mud . Four rock – cut rectangular chambers were found inside the circle (the researcher assumed they were graves), as well as some other interventions in the rock for which no explanation was given. Preliminary and extremely scant information of be noted that is very similar to the material found at the tomb of Pavla Čuka. Technical documentation of the excavations is missing, as well as the movable archaeological artifacts.
The third cult object - peak sanctuary - is the site Visoka. It has been known for a long time in archeology, but archaeological excavations were carried out
for the first time in 2005.15
For a detailed read file http://kumanovomuseum.com/wpcontent/...02_04_2018.pdfLast edited by Stevce; 07-02-2019, 04:43 AM.
Снимка од втората посета и влегувањето во остатоците на древната МАКЕДОНСКА гробница (на кралот на Пелагонците?) кај Бонче. Снимено на 30.10.2015. Уживајте в...
Ексклузивно, неверојатно!!! Средба со Александар Македонски во древниот македонски град ПЕЛАГОН(ЕА/ИДА) на врвот Висока на Селечка Планина за кој повеќе може...