Compilation of "Greeks" speaking the truth

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  • Serdarot
    • Feb 2010
    • 605

    Compilation of "Greeks" speaking the truth

    i donīt think i spoke english enough in the last 10 years = i forgot a lot, so i will take any good advices about the title and typo-mistakes

    i guess you are familiar with some (or most) of the "cases" i will present now, but my idea is this topic to be a place where we gonna present books / articls / statements / interviews / publications / anything interesting from nowadays "greeks".

    If several topic are already posted with some of the subject we gonna mention here, maybe the Admins move the old posts here?

    here we go...

    have to see:

    Croatian State TV Hr1:

    GEORGIOS PAPADAKIS, novinar na TV Atina, dobi otkaz poradi simpatii kon Makedoncite

    YouTube - GEORGIOS PAPADAKIS Grk, dobio otkaz na TV Atena zbog simpatija prema Makedoncima

    i dont know if there is a subtitle...


    FOTIS KAPETOPOULOS - Lord Byron: A man of his time (a brief examination of Lord Byron’s real Greek love)

    FOTIS KAPETOPOULOS takes on the Lord Byron myth and points to the ironies of Byron's mythical status in the Hellenic imagination.

    Scandal, debt and a search for sexual freedom, as much as Philhellene, inspired radical values, motivated Byron’s adventures in the Mediterranean.

    Byron left England for fear of persecution over his bisexual life style, the scandalous affair with the married Lady Caroline Lamb and a mass of debts.

    Louis Crompton in Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia in 19th Century England reveals correspondence from Byron’s Cambridge friends recommending the Mediterranean as a place for accessible homosexual experiences.

    To modern Greeks, Byron is almost a mythological figure. Modern Greeks being a messy Greco*-Roman-Slavic-Turkic-Semitic lot emerging from the Ottoman Empire who with the leadership of people like Byron declared themselves Greek.

    The forced westernisation, process which began in Ottoman Greece between 1821 and 1921, was more about creating Greeks rather than liberating them.

    For the Ottomans religion was the main identifier and they let the Greek Orthodox Church** and feudal landlords do their job of keeping the peasants in their place.

    Historian, Mark Mazower in his book The Balkans writes that when a Greek activist in the early 20th Century went to Ottoman Macedonia he could not find one peasant who would identify himself as Greek.

    Ottoman Macedonians simply saw themselves as Christian, Muslim or Jewish
    * = Greco is wrong term, more adecvate is Arvanite / Albanian
    ** = Germanos Karavangelis (the "greek" Bishop known about his involvment in the "greek" Genocide and Exodus in Makedonia) was close collaborator of th eTurkish authorities. Several times when the "greek" andarts were getting their ass kicked from our Heroes, the Turkish "Asker" (military) was helping them...


    Nikos Dimou: The agony and the ecstasy of being Greek

    A completely normal being (such as Star Trek's Mr Spock) would say that we're insane. In analysing our behaviour, Adler would have referred to an inferiority complex and our inherent need for compensation. Marx would have said that football has become "the opium of the people".

    A completely normal being (such as Star Trek's Mr Spock) would say that we're insane. In analysing our behaviour, Adler would have referred to an inferiority complex and our inherent need for compensation.
    We view ourselves as the chosen people.

    This clash between our inflated, mythical ego and the harsh everyday reality is a constant source of depression. We feel that we should receive special recognition and treatment and when we don't get it, we feel disappointed. We become insecure and have "underdog" feelings. We start believing in conspiracy theories and feel threatened. In our splendid isolation we remain a brotherless people living in a world of enemies. It is in this way that we become trapped in nationalistic solipsism. Our "national rights" become a source of irritation and nagging for an entire nation. Foreign policy is approached in an entirely emotional manner (they love us - or no? Are they philhellenes? Antihellenes?).
    NO comment


    Nikos Dimou - "The Misfortune of being Greek"

    a Book published in 1975, puted on the list of Anti-Hellenic books -
    demoNcraZy "greek" fascist speaking about being cradle of democracy - my comment

    links to some book review with interesting posting of some Makedonians and some "greek" agents like that "Istor" idiot...

    PCH offers fun quizzes on a wide range of topics. Animals, history, traveling and more. Test your knowledge and play our quizzes today!

    and video-interview

    YouTube - Nicos Dimou on Greek nationalism - 1994


    Lenos Hristidis - Greeks are scum like all other (Grci su ološ kao i svi drugi)

    interview on Serbian, english translation is very bad, but you will get the point.(and as i saw in between, it is already posted about this on the forum)


    Nikos Dimou - Dialoges - Diaspora

    [quote]My guest was a French philosopher. He was talking about Greece. Not the beaches, but the essence. I was listening carefully. As usual, foreigners have interesting things to say. You see, they reflect about us - we only react.

    - There are two Diaspora peoples in the world, the Jews and the Greeks, he said. The problem with you Greeks was that you always had a country.

    No we didn't - I thought. During our Dark Ages, Greeks, decimated by barbarians and epidemics had actually vanished from the mainland. They had to be reimported later.


    - Well, I am not en expert in your culture - but let us take the names every Greek is proud of. Callas and Mitropoulos, Kazantzakis and Kavafis - why, every Greek who brought it to something, either lived abroad, or was recognized abroad. How many people had heard of Seferis in Greece, before he was awarded the Nobel prize? His last volume of verse had sold less than a hundred copies in seven years! Your greatest abstract painter was Spyropoulos. Foreigners honored him with the UNESCO and Herder prizes. He was shown at the Guggenheim, the Documenta, the Biennale. Greeks first heard about him when he died. You import your own culture - in the same way you re-imported your * ancient culture after the Turkish occupation.
    * = their? (greek culture?) was the culture greek? ^^


    Takis Mihas - Book Author, reporter, publicist and etc...


    Thalia Dragonis

    between the other things, she is saying that Macedonians have right to self-determination / identification, and all the other rights coming from that

    my personal opinion about her work i will write when i read some of her books


    Leften Stavros Stavrianos - Canadian Historian with "greek" origin
    (1913 - March 23, 2004)

    i dont have the book so i hope TM will soon bring some interesting things about it

    for now this recension

    Stavrianos addresses in absorbing detail the conflicts that grew among the Balkan states in the mid- to late nineteenth century, and the interests of the European powers concerning them. These nineteenth century conflicts resulted in the Macedonian agony of the early twentieth century. Stavrianos reveals the public and secret terms of the treaties that led to the eventual territorial gains and human calamities faced by the participants in the Balkan Wars and the First World War, not the least of which was the collapse of the “Megali Idhea,” and the tragedy of Smyrna.

    tnx bro


    more to come


    i have my strong reasons why i call nowadays citizens of the Republic of Macedoniaīs south neighbour "greeks", i hope it is not against the forum rulz, and i will explain my reasons in future

    no intention to insult them...
    Last edited by Serdarot; 02-16-2010, 04:43 AM.
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  • Pelister
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2742

    Important thread Serdarot.


    • Serdarot
      • Feb 2010
      • 605

      nothing to thanks to me, bro

      like i wrote, many of us are familiar with most of this people, and with other, like the respected Greek Citizens, reporter and book autor Takis Mihas, who is risking his life in his battle against the fascistoid regime in Athens, and their fascist education system.

      some more info on Mihas:

      he is not only the reporter who dared to bring the subject/book "Black Athena" into "greece", but he is also the man who spoke many times public about the "greek" modern myths, national-shouvinism, expansionism, involvement into the massacre of Srebrenica, and what is also very important for us, the connections between the gang of Branko Crvenkovski with the serbian and "greek" organized crime bosses.

      this are only few of the subjects he is threating in his works.

      i invite any of us to post any material where the "greeks" dont have problem with us, the

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      • osiris
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1969

        alaf da ti e serdarot this is a thread that should be made a sticky and added to at every oppourtunity. but as i have written many times where are the real greek democrats where are the demonstrations for human rights in greece.

        here is the truth about greeks and macedonia
        Historian, Mark Mazower in his book The Balkans writes that when a Greek activist in the early 20th Century went to Ottoman Macedonia he could not find one peasant who would identify himself as Greek.
        Last edited by osiris; 02-11-2010, 09:43 PM.


        • Serdarot
          • Feb 2010
          • 605


          Thalia Dragonis

          tnx to the Dedo

          it will be added up, and if some1 get a copy of the book mentioned, it would be great

          po zdrav
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          • TrueMacedonian
            • Jan 2009
            • 3823

            Nice topic Serdarot. Add Stavrianos to the mix ass. In his book 'The Balkans since 1453' he states that the Macedonians are a people who have a culture of their own and are seperate from other balkan peoples. Don't have the exact quote in front of me but will provide it soon.

