Cancer is an easily curable disease. So is diabetes. But they don't care about that. It's all about money.
End of world obsession
Well, I am even more P'ed off to learn that the UK has invested 34 million pounds into this. Great! This country will go in recession by the end of the year, the gas and electricity will be 50% up for the winter(my provider already did it), never mind the poor old pensioners that will die from sitting in cold houses, playing kaubojci i indijanci with two small particles is much more fun! Dickheads!
Oh malenka I am pissed off about other things the UK invest billions of. People from Somalia, Iraq etc come here, live of benefits,5-6 kids, don['t do a day work, get houses, bills paid from my tax money and than they blow up the tube that us taxpayers take because we can not afford to buy a fucking car, they have taken all our money.
Now the UK should cut on this shit and start cleaning up the country. ~Three months you can't get a job, fuck of back to where you have come from.