Originally posted by Spirit
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Originally posted by Bill77
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I'm typically a very private person and I wasn't going to say anything but, reading both your posts just now, you managed to open the flood gates once more and the tears are currently streaming down my face.
Dementia is a cruel and all consuming disease Spirit and I feel your pain. My dad lost his battle with Dementia about three weeks ago now but, truth be told, the dad I once knew was gone much, much earlier than that. The disease slowly wiped away his identity over a period of a decade and, in the end, he was a mere shadow of the proud man he once was. The disease robbed him of his memory, his speech and his dignity. During the last few years of his life, I was just another stranger to him who showed up each week to the nursing home, took him by his arm and led him around the nursing home grounds.
My dad was my biggest hero too Bill and you just brought memories back of me and him waking up at 4:00am, all those years ago, and listening to the radio together each time Macedonia was qualifying for the World Cup or the European Championship.
My dad was 66 years old when he passed on 09/06/2018 – Bog da go prosti i lesna da mu bidi zemjata.