REMINDER! Australia Census - Macedonians in Australia

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  • EgejskaMakedonia
    Originally posted by lerin View Post
    It just never ceases to amaze me with these young ones how they can't see this.
    From personal experience, I think the older generations of grkomani (the stari) are by far the worst. These people were probably severely brainwashed and threatened by the Greek authorities and that is understandable, but when they emigrate they keep this 'Greek' mentality and pass it on to subsequent generations.

    The majority of these people would be well aware that they are living under a false identity, and in many instances they tend to be the most anti-Macedonian of the lot.

    Although younger generations of grkomani in the diaspora have wider access to information, they probably believe they are 'Greek,' not just act it. This is a direct result of the mentality being passed down. In Greece the circumstances are different, but within the diaspora it is amazing why this still occurs.

    That said, many of the stari deserve a lot of praise. They are the reason why so many Macedonians have maintained a strong connection with their identity. They suffered from Greek oppression first hand, yet managed to proudly pass on their heritage. That says a lot about a persons character and sense of identity.

    It's a damn shame though that so many Macedonians 'turned Greek.' If these people truly appreciated and treasured their identity, they would have found out the truth by now. It's often strange to think that a relative or fellow Macedonian thinks of you and your people as enemies...when at the end of the day they are nashi.

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  • Phoenix
    Originally posted by lerin View Post
    ye phoenix your stories are sad. I also can't understand the young ones in sheep this is people in their late teens to early 20s who identify as greek. How they do this is beyond me. It is like the fact that their parents and grandparents hardly speak greek is irrelevant and the fact their parents and grandparents speak macedonian does not seem to make them think? hang on my parents and grandparents don't speak greek wtf maybe I'm not greek?. They will call their grandparents baba and dedo then still say they are greek. I think a lot of it has to do obviously with the parents but hey anyone with half a brain regardless of their parents could work out they are macedonian and not greek.. It just never ceases to amaze me with these young ones how they can't see this.
    You shouldn't be amazed Lerin, didn't you say that you had grkoman relatives, if so you should understand completely this madness...I have grkoman relatives, doesn't surprise me at all...

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  • lerin
    ye phoenix your stories are sad. I also can't understand the young ones in sheep this is people in their late teens to early 20s who identify as greek. How they do this is beyond me. It is like the fact that their parents and grandparents hardly speak greek is irrelevant and the fact their parents and grandparents speak macedonian does not seem to make them think? hang on my parents and grandparents don't speak greek wtf maybe I'm not greek?. They will call their grandparents baba and dedo then still say they are greek. I think a lot of it has to do obviously with the parents but hey anyone with half a brain regardless of their parents could work out they are macedonian and not greek.. It just never ceases to amaze me with these young ones how they can't see this.

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  • Phoenix
    Originally posted by lerin View Post
    Yes but phoenix that is exactly my point i am not talking about people who originate from the republic i am talking about those who come from lerin or surrounding areas not from in the republic. These people are all grkomani i would say alms t 100%. Some of these families are, the paras, pateras, paraskevas, kreskas, sfetcopolous etc. You would be very hard pressed to find someone who originated form lerin or aegean who is not grkoman:: good luck more chance winning tatts. Ps they all make me sick. Cant speak greek to save themselves but still call themselves greek. It is a disease.
    Fair enough, the really sad thing is that some if not many of those grkomani aren't even from as 'far away' as Lerin, many (most) are actually from villages a stones throw away from Dragos(h)...on the other side of the border...places like Sveti Petka and Rako...

    You're right about not many of them knowing greek...A friend of mine from Shep was recounting a story about the grkomani funding a 'greek' school in Shep and when they sent their young kids there to learn 'greek' the kids nearly rebelled after their first 'lesson'...these grkoman children thought that the langauge they spoke at home (Macedonian) was the 'real' greek and when confronted with (proper) greek at school they considered it totally foreign...fuckin'

    I also remember a story my late grandmother told about some woman who considerd herself 'greek' but couldn't understand neither written nor spoken greek...she would come to my grandmother with letters written in greek for my grandmother to translate for her...go figure...

    What I find really sad is that I can almost forgive an illiterate old woman who hasn't got any life experiences beyond her little village for being so foolish but I can't forgive the 2nd and 3rd generations in the 20th and 21st centuries living a world away in Shep (or elsewhere) for the same lunacy...

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  • lerin
    Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
    Very true...there's several very successful families in Shep that settled from Dragos(h)...many living in Melbourne and Geelong today also first settled in Shep.

    To call it all grkoman is simply not true, sadly misleading and a total insult to many Macedonians in Shep...I would imagine.
    Yes but phoenix that is exactly my point i am not talking about people who originate from the republic i am talking about those who come from lerin or surrounding areas not from in the republic. These people are all grkomani i would say alms t 100%. Some of these families are, the paras, pateras, paraskevas, kreskas, sfetcopolous etc. You would be very hard pressed to find someone who originated form lerin or aegean who is not grkoman:: good luck more chance winning tatts. Ps they all make me sick. Cant speak greek to save themselves but still call themselves greek. It is a disease.

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  • Phoenix
    Originally posted by chentovist View Post
    Indeed. Many Macedonians from the village of Dragosh, R.Macedonia live in Shepparton. Most migrated in the 1950's...
    Very true...there's several very successful families in Shep that settled from Dragos(h)...many living in Melbourne and Geelong today also first settled in Shep.

    To call it all grkoman is simply not true, sadly misleading and a total insult to many Macedonians in Shep...I would imagine.
    Last edited by Phoenix; 06-24-2012, 11:44 PM.

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  • chentovist
    Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
    no...all of shep isn't grkoman.
    Indeed. Many Macedonians from the village of Dragosh, R.Macedonia live in Shepparton. Most migrated in the 1950s. Here's the website of the Shepparton soccer club;

    Shepparton Soccer Club has established itself as one of the games leaders within the soccer community and prides itself on providing a platform for Junior and

    "Formerly named as Lemnos Makedonia, Shepparton is nicknamed "The Reds",Shepparton's home colours are red and black stripes, similar to Macedonian team FK Vardar.
    Shepparton once had former Cambridge Utd player Michael Kyd have a guest stint at the club.

    Shepparton is the GNEFA's most successful senior club, having won eight premierships as Lemnos and six as Shepparton for a total of 14. Shepparton home games are played at Mercury Drive.The club forms the base of Preston Lions supporters club of country victoria."

    This club also competes in the Macedonian Cup, along with the other ethnic Macedonian teams in Victoria;

    Last edited by chentovist; 06-24-2012, 07:52 PM. Reason: ed

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  • Phoenix
    Originally posted by lerin View Post
    Well all of shepparton is grkoman, pat eras, sfetcopolous, kreskas, paraskevas, paras, to name a few. they only have a greek church.
    no...all of shep isn't grkoman.

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Back, in the 1970's if you asked any G'rkoman where they were from ... "FROM NORTHERN GREECE" and NEVER just GREECE. (see territorial claims)

    Don't, even try to figure these misfits out.

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  • Niko777
    And there is the stupidity factor that stems from the village slave mentality.

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  • George S.
    I was speaking to spase karovski who speacialises in statistics,population demgraphy & ethnography.He said the macedonian census one is a acomplex one yet simply.There's people from the agean who really are macedonians but have chosen to be greek,then there's others that will not divulge anything.Some will divulge the language,others still are yugoslav identifiers.There are so many variations that it is a hodgepodge & people won't reveal who they are.Perhaps if people are interviewed individually & the census get's to be filled in properly..Then you got ones that are fearfull to divulge of who they are in case they feel retribution from greeks.etc

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    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post

    AMHRC, there's your answer: 2977 Macedonians were born in Greece, up from 2856 in 2006.
    Niko thanks for thinking of us. Though I should point out that we began a thread on this topic in the news and politics section of this forum, well before this one was begun. Just why this second thread on the same topic was started, we don't know. Moreover, if you examine the other thread, you will find that we had already posted the SBS link you were given by TWLR, before he gave it to you...

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  • Niko777
    Sorry, after taking a second look those are not people who declared themselves Macedonian, those are people who declared speaking Macedonian language

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  • Niko777
    Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
    I don't have the direct link, but this link has heaps of info


    AMHRC, there's your answer: 2977 Macedonians were born in Greece, up from 2856 in 2006.

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
    Where can I read the census online?
    I don't have the direct link, but this link has heaps of info

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