Mate,people can't have Macedonian roots and be Bulgarians at the same time.The folks you're referring to may have been born in Macedonia but by Bulgarian parents.In which case,they're again Bulgarians and not Macedonians.And I believe most of those 2 million with origins from Macedonia are the very same people your country is not recognizing them as a national minority - Macedonians.You can't be a Macedonian and Bulgarian as well,since the two are not the same thing (only in your people's desires maybe).
Dragan why are you entertaining this clown...there's a very good reason why bulgaria doesn't recognise minorities and why everyone is classified as a happy 'bulgarian'...if the bulgar fascists and their little cocksucking foot soldiers began recognising minorities, after counting the million odd gypsies and that's just Razers immediate family, plus the million odd Turks, the million odd Macedonians, the Russian rabble left behind from the cold war and the many fuckin bulgars do you reckon would be left...?
But while you insist on your respectful conversation with this lying turd don't work yourself up in a lather because you're not getting through to him...
*hint*...they don't care what you think DoS, they're not here to learn which riff you like best, they're here to spread a national propoganda that negates all elements of the Macedonian identity...I hope you don't buy this shit that this turd lived in South Africa for 15 years...they all come with a nice 'innocent' story champ...treat them like the shit that they are.
Razer, I am not going to answer any of your questions to me, I know what driver told me, its non of your business where my relatives are in Bulgaria, and its not your concern where I went and visited
"anti-Bulgarian propaganda." Razer, really, like, wtf, Pheonix is right , Friday 13, and all.....
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
well thats it folks lets pack up and go home. The dispute has been resolved. Bulgaria has given us freedom so this must mean Pirin Makedonia is back in its rightful hands.
Thank you Bulgaria for our freedom please stop by for a coffee anytime and a slice of muznik.
IP dip dog shit the greeks are full of it ..........
well thats it folks lets pack up and go home. The dispute has been resolved. Bulgaria has given us freedom so this must mean Pirin Makedonia is back in its rightful hands.
Thank you Bulgaria for our freedom please stop by for a coffee anytime and a slice of muznik.
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
Dragan why are you entertaining this clown...there's a very good reason why bulgaria doesn't recognise minorities and why everyone is classified as a happy 'bulgarian'...if the bulgar fascists and their little cocksucking foot soldiers began recognising minorities, after counting the million odd gypsies and that's just Razers immediate family, plus the million odd Turks, the million odd Macedonians, the Russian rabble left behind from the cold war and the many fuckin bulgars do you reckon would be left...?
But while you insist on your respectful conversation with this lying turd don't work yourself up in a lather because you're not getting through to him...
*hint*...they don't care what you think DoS, they're not here to learn which riff you like best, they're here to spread a national propoganda that negates all elements of the Macedonian identity...I hope you don't buy this shit that this turd lived in South Africa for 15 years...they all come with a nice 'innocent' story champ...treat them like the shit that they are.
Personally,I'm not prone to violence and foul mouth,I only swear if someone else cursed at me first (the only person that has done that to me here was a certain boyphenom69 or whatever the hell he was called,he was banned after I reported him to the admins).So far Razer hasn't used such foul language so I'm not going to either.You can't have a debate if every second word out of one's mouth is a profanity.Facing facts is the best way to deny someone's claim (like our friend's Iranian origin ) and I'd stick to that unless provoked.
”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
― George Orwell
Dragan Of Stip, that is admirable, and you have my utmost respect for your tolerance
As more and more trolls come here, be they Bulgar, Grk, Albanian, you will come to find you will get sick and tired of defending and explaining the truth to them, they are here for one reason only - and that is for provocation and for spreading propoganda
AM almost certain after you have been here long enough, you will come to have a short fuse too
And develop an eye for the pattern from our ""friends"" -
Pheonix is correct in every aspect when he posts, he is just as fed up as I am with these trolls
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
Dragan, all those people in Bulgaria with Macedonian roots can trace their family history 200-300 years. Many of their grandfathers were in the first lines of VMRO. If you want to learn more about them, them come to Sofia and visit the Macedonian Scientific Institute, founded in 1923 by Macedonian intellectuals who emigrated here after the Balkan Wars.
The wannabe Aryan retard is gone. And yes, it was the fascist propaganda line about Macedonians have "true freedom" in Bulgaria along with implying that Macedonian are really "Bulgarians".
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Personally,I'm not prone to violence and foul mouth,I only swear if someone else cursed at me first (the only person that has done that to me here was a certain boyphenom69 or whatever the hell he was called,he was banned after I reported him to the admins).So far Razer hasn't used such foul language so I'm not going to either.You can't have a debate if every second word out of one's mouth is a profanity.Facing facts is the best way to deny someone's claim (like our friend's Iranian origin ) and I'd stick to that unless provoked.
DoS, I'm gonna make it my personal goal that you start adding some spice to your otherwise 'bland' posts, consider it a good liberal dose of luti piperki in a literal manifestation...
You'll be banging this guys entire family, majka, shajka, koren, pleme, zhivi, i umreni... in no time flat...
The wannabe Aryan retard is gone. And yes, it was the fascist propaganda line about Macedonians have "true freedom" in Bulgaria along with implying that Macedonian are really "Bulgarians".
Bloody hell mate, about time...I was working OT on that bloke to the point I was diverted by nashio od Stip...
Dragan, all those people in Bulgaria with Macedonian roots can trace their family history 200-300 years. Many of their grandfathers were in the first lines of VMRO. If you want to learn more about them, them come to Sofia and visit the Macedonian Scientific Institute, founded in 1923 by Macedonian intellectuals who emigrated here after the Balkan Wars.
I bet this guy didn't watch the 10-part documentary about VMRO that I posted here,otherwise he would know that VMRO had people from every nationality as their members,Bulgarians weren't excluded (for what kind of free Macedonia they fought for is a totally different question).You didn't have to be Macedonian in order to fight for the freedom of Macedonia.And the Macedonian Scientific Institute was created during the times of Todor Aleksandrov's final years of life and the Vanco Mihailov era,so it was in fact a pro-Bulgarian organization in general,an instrument of the Bulgarian propaganda to say the least.
Last edited by DraganOfStip; 07-13-2012, 09:02 AM.
”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
― George Orwell