I hate it how a lot of macedonians, even a lot of the older generation, here in australia still refer to the Aegean macedonians as "Greek-Macedonians", that really gets my blood boiling.
Sadly, its many "Greek-Macedonians" that refer to themselves in that manner...must be something like 'greek-coffee' and 'greek-style'...
I hate it how a lot of macedonians, even a lot of the older generation, here in australia still refer to the Aegean macedonians as "Greek-Macedonians", that really gets my blood boiling.
Me too, it drives me mad when I hear Grcki Makedonci ili Bugarski Makedonci, arrgghhh.
I hate it how a lot of macedonians, even a lot of the older generation, here in australia still refer to the Aegean macedonians as "Greek-Macedonians", that really gets my blood boiling.
People will tell me they travel to Greece, how they speak Macedonian there. Yet still call them Greeks.
In their defence, there are several Macedonians who come to Macedonia from Greece, speak Macedonian - yet call themselves Greek, I would call this a 'legacy' from the days of Yugoslav-Greek relations. The problem is on both sides of the border, however, important to note is the fact that the Macedonians in the republic are supposed to be 'free', have their own state, and are supposed to be the 'piedmont' for the Macedonian people across the Balkans.
The lack of leadership by successive governments in Macedonia has ruined this golden opportunity, which we now have to regain. Perpetuating the stupidity of previous governments, such as the new flag, is counter-productive to this process.
I think you guys from Australia are spitting too much on the rest of the Macedonians.
I think certain Macedonians like yourself (irrespective of where they live) need to stop living in a dream and get a grasp on reality where it concerns Macedonia's situation and all that has happened to this country in the previous 20 years. You also need to accept the fact that there are many morons among the Macedonians (and ignorant followers, which doesn't necessarily make them morons) who have been playing the same tune for so long that they cannot see what is happening with Macedonia and its Macedonians.
My heritage is from Bitola and I have personally seen the way some Macedonians behave towards our people in Egej. Others I have met from certain northern regions in the Macedonian Republic here in Australia wouldn't know the first thing about their brothers and sisters in Egej, in fact, they see more of a commonality with the Serbs. This is not the norm, but it is certainly common for some ignorant fools. This is a disease, and just the way it was forced upon us, so too does it need to be torn away from us so we can liberate our way of thinking and understand that it is OK for people to be proud of their own history, to talk about their ethnic kin in neighbouring states, etc.
The example about Gruevski is pathetic given the fact that he is negotiating our identity with the very same state that currently occupies his ancestral village. What sort of an Egejec is he? What sort of a Macedonian is he?
Член 1
Во Законот за политичките партии (“Службен весник на Република Македонија” број 76/2004), членот 11 се менува и гласи:
“(1) Политичка партија можат да основаат најмалку 1.000 граѓани на Република Македонија кои имаат избирачко право и кои го дале својот потпис за основање само на една политичка партија.
(2) Член на политичка партија може да биде секој полнолетен и деловно способен граѓанин на Република Македонија кој ќе даде потпис за доброволно членство во политичката партија.
Овој закон влегува во сила осмиот ден од денот на објавувањето во “Службен весник на Република Македонија”, освен членот 3 од овој закон кој ќе се применува од 1 јануари 2007 година.
Ete ke ima izbori.
Ajde konkretno, Partija, so uba programa. Del od Narodot e razocharan od DPMNE.
Finansiskata mokj OBEDINETO Makedonsko isselenishtvo ja ima duri vo izobilstvo.
Ima nekoj raspolozhen "da si igra" Komiti i Vojvodi?
Help me and people like me who are trying to work on their spirit (and education), or start something, and ask for help, you might get more than you expect.
The most stupid thing you can do is to keep on spitting
Phoenix, people in Bitolsko and Prilepsko have some "strange" sence of humour, so i can imagine them making such stupid jokes as Risto mentions. But it aint funny, at all...
The MTO was created to help the Macedonian spirit and education. There is no better place to learn of Macedonia's history in English (online) than right here. So we all do what we can Serdarot.
However, it is very disheartening to see Macedonians willingly throw away the links to our shared cultural ancestry.
p.s. The first time I ever heard a Macedonian describe the Macedonian people in Greece as Greeks was from a Macedonian priest.
I don't believe that things are as bad as what Mik has described, especially in Bitola and it's surrounding villages, I think most people know the exact nature of what is going on over the border, most of the people from those regions have been divided from their families, to suggest that they don't know about egejci and their plight is misleading at best...apathy and indifference, well that's another story...
I absolutely beg to differ.
People will tell me they travel to Greece, how they speak Macedonian there. Yet still call them Greeks.
I am positive most have no idea of Macedonians (or seek to claim them as ethnic Macedonians) across the border. I suspect or hope this might change as travel becomes easier.
Ever since macedonia became independent things have gone from bad to worse.Why because they were forced to change the flag & now the name.Our oiliticians are constantly letting us down because we let them plus they get elected with about 30% of the vote,plus they are in cohhoots with the albanians who get more rights then the macedonian citizens eg a country within a country.We macedonians seem to be our worst enemy simply because we are ready & willing & able to be manipulated,capitulating & compromising all the time.
As someone mentioned there's no modern heroes like Gotse Delchev etc.Where's the positive side,where's the hope of a better future.Perhaps as serdarot said we need to get off the donkey again.
Help me and people like me who are trying to work on their spirit (and education), or start something, and ask for help, you might get more than you expect.
The most stupid thing you can do is to keep on spitting
Phoenix, people in Bitolsko and Prilepsko have some "strange" sence of humour, so i can imagine them making such stupid jokes as Risto mentions. But it aint funny, at all...
I don't believe that things are as bad as what Mik has described, especially in Bitola and it's surrounding villages, I think most people know the exact nature of what is going on over the border, most of the people from those regions have been divided from their families, to suggest that they don't know about egejci and their plight is misleading at best...apathy and indifference, well that's another story...
Serdarot, you are right. You are not sure you understood it good.
If it didn't happen so frequently, I would think I was talking to rare exceptions of stupid people.
It happens more times than I care to admit and I am becoming less and less surprised.
"The people over the border are Greeks and we in the Macedonian Republic are the only Macedonians."
They already gave up the fight Serdarche ... now it is Bulgarians and Greeks on the other side of the borders. Too many Moronadonians not enough Macedonians. If there were more Macedonians in Macedonia, the country would not have been sold out.
Anyone would think that not a single Macedonian freedom fighter ever came from Egej.
I am not sure i understood it good...
You want to say that Macedonians from Republic of Macedonia are denying the contribution made by the Macedonians from Egejska, in the fight for independent Macedonia?
Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia donīt know that Macedonians are living in Ofcharani?
If this what you are writing here wasnīt tragic, i would "lol"...
Goce Delchev is "burried" in Sveti Spas in Skopje, and he is for most of the Macedonians the most significant/important Revolutionary.
Nikola Gruevski is also from Egejska.
Also lots of us, the "Macedonians from the Republic" are "mixed", we have parents or grandparents from Egejska, so we are very aware of many things you mentioned.
I think you guys from Australia are spitting too much on the rest of the Macedonians.
Get off your donkey, again...
Ако плукате по Македонците, сватете дека сами се плукате. Ако сте Македонци, се разбира.
I took people from Bitola to Ovcareni for Ilinden...... did they know there were Macedonians in Greece..... not really, and they never wanted to believe there was........
I am continually reminded of how naive the Macedonians in the Republic are in this matter. I visit the Macedonian Republic and because my people are from Aegean Macedonia, somehow I am Greek. No wonder they have little fight in them. Most think that Macedonians stop at the modern artificial borders. It is dumb, naive and a real product of what they have (not) been taught about their history. It disgusts me and highlights how much more needs to be done.
Anyone would think that not a single Macedonian freedom fighter ever came from Egej.
To add salt to the wound, I had some recent immigrants from Macedonia tell me that I speak Bulgarian. Far be it from me to not adopt all the modern Macedonian conventions like ignoring the dark vowel since about 1950.
GUS is a guy I went to school with.
G's is what I sit on.
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