Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • United MKD
    • Jul 2011
    • 547

    Македонските Албанци ќе ја бојкотираат Македонија!

    Албанските спортисти во Македонија или барем некои од нив се подготвени да ги бојкотираат активностите на националните селекции во сите спортови како одговор на „навредливото навивање“ на Македонците на неодамна завршеното ракометно ЕП во Србија, велат тие во изјава за дневниот весник на албански јазик „Журнал“.

    Според весникот, ова би било втор чекор во обидот да се спречи, како што велат тие, негативниот феномен што се појавил во последните неколку години. Првиот бил бојкотот од страна на албанските медиуми во државата кон сите македонски репрезентативни селекции, односно одбивање за известување за настаните што ги вклучуваат националните селекции на Македонија.

    На списокот на спортистите што зборуваат за „Журнал“ на темата за бојкотирање на македонскиот репрезентативен дрес се фудбалерите Самир Фазли и Мухамет Усеини, каратистот Берт Јакупи, тенисерот Шендрит Деари, одбојкарот Хабил Ајети и кошаркарот Мухамед Тачи. Тие воедно сметаат дека „дале многу за оваа држава, а таа не им возвратила со ништо“.

    „Неколку пати досега имам размислувано за бојкот на македонската репрезентација додека некој не ги осуди овие појави“, изјавил Фазли, кој е стандарден младински репрезентативец на Македонија и кој веќе има и неколку настапи за сениорската селекција.

    Слична изјава, која лесно може да се протолкува како антимакедонска, за весникот „Журнал“ дава и неговиот соиграч од репрезентацијата на Македонија, Усеини.

    „Имам донесено одлука ако во иднина слушнам од трибините навредливи навивања за време на натпревар на репрезентацијата, да го соблечам дресот на Македонија и да го напуштам теренот во знак на протест“, вели Усеини.

    Според поранешниот младински кошаркарски репрезентативец, Мухамед Тачи, сето ова било само уште еден доказ дека Македонците ги мразеле Албанците и тој по никоја цена не би го облекол жолто-црвениот дрес, и ако му се даде шанса, бидејќи се чувствува како Албанец, а не како Македонец.

    Kurot me boli za vas ako sakate ili ne, a jas znam deka ne te sakam vo Makedonska reprezentacija, golema usloga ke ni naprajs. So zdravje.


    • United MKD
      • Jul 2011
      • 547

      ДУИ и ДПА ги нарекоа македонските ракометари шовинисти


      • makedonche
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 3242

        Originally posted by Dimitri View Post
        I believe its safe to say I am more MACEDONIAN than anybody here

        I have never steped foot in Republic of Macedonia ,I only stated what a cousin from Prespa has told me , he first told me they are serbs then I asked him again and he said he had meant very pro serb but Macedonians and that they are Serbian fed since many still obtain some kind of Serbian pensions of sorts .
        Your'e f#*%ing delusional if you think you are anywhere near being Macedonian as anybody on this forum! I take particular offence at your audacity and have pity on your foolishness and lack of objectivity, one day we may let you be Macedonian when youv'e denounced everything Greek and served your pennance- but even then you wouldn't qualify!

        Aijde ako ssi poke Makedonetz ot suti toulka, kazhimi nescho po nashe, tolagai ke vidime kokoulf golem Makedonetz si? Illi kokoulf golem guijuptin si!
        Last edited by makedonche; 02-01-2012, 05:00 PM.
        On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


        • George S.
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 10116

          dimitri you you are a serb through & through you avoided the questions & you have insulted patriot macedonians on this forum.If i were admin i would give you a good kick out.Stop bs to us.
          Last edited by George S.; 02-01-2012, 05:00 PM. Reason: edit
          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
          GOTSE DELCEV


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Dimitri, at best you can only be as Macedonian as many of us here. No need to get dramatic. Tell me more about your relatives in Albania. Do they suffer for being Macedonians?
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Vangelovski
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 8534

              The racist pig who thinks that our identity is "make believe", and that we are "brainwashed Serbs" and "slavs" is gone. This form of filth will not be tolerated on this forum.
              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


              • Bill77
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 4545

                This shows how stupid some Ethnic Albanians can get.

                Albanians vandalize own mosque to counter negative publicity
                Thursday, 02 February 2012

                Many described as "uneducated" the individual who wrote several graffitis on a Bitola Mosque. The idea was for media to report a story of supposedly a Christian vandalizing a mosque!!

                However, this orchestrated vandalism is almost certainly an act of ethnic Albanian muslims. The reason for this as both local population and police state the culprit wrote the graffitis in terrible Macedonian, mixing both the latin and cyrilic alphabets!?

                "A Macedonian won't butcher both the language and the alphabet as this individual did, not a chance!" says a local who saw the graffiti.

                It is well known most Albanians aren't able to write in Cyrilic, however the individual sure made a valiant effort to do so.

                Macedonians in Bitola laughed off the "incident" claiming Albanians were trying to portray the Christians as bad after being slammed by the international community (including official Tirana) for burning a Macedonian Church few days ago.
                Now this is really freaky.
                Da ostanat ne zdravi site od nim od malo do staro. gospod mu vrajka.

                The Irony of it all
                While ethnic Albanian muslims damage Christian churches, a group of Albanians in the village of Mala Rechica has been asking local officials to donate buildinig materials and money to rebuild the St George Church after they themselves burned it in 2001.
                News has spread from the village that after the 13th century Church was burned, each child born to an ethnic Albanian muslim in Mala Rechica had physical and or mental defects.

                Over the years, a total of 14 children in a row were born with severe physical disabilities. The local Albanian muslim families spooked that they may have been cursed for burning the Church, have been in a frantic mode to rebuild the Church as soon as possible, even willing to pay for it!

                Some Albanians have learned their lessons it's wrong to burn sacred places, MINA had found the first in line to put out the fire at the Macedonian Church in Labunista few days ago were ethnic Albanians.

                Authorities believe the problems comes from radical extremists among the Albanian population who have been to and accepted the wahabis teachings from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan etc. The last protest in Struga was attended by veiled women and long bearded man holding signs written in Arabic?!
                The question is who are these people and when is police going to make arrests?


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Both articles priceless Bill.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Bill77
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 4545

                    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                    Both articles priceless Bill.
                    I am surprised they have not asked for compensation for damages our God done to them.
                    They also, could have turned this into a human rights issue, some kind of abuse caused by Macedonians. And the west would have believed them....for sure.
                    Last edited by Bill77; 02-02-2012, 08:07 PM.


                    • Niko777
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 1895

                      Thank you Bill for posting those articles!


                      • Big Bad Sven
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 1528

                        Have you guys seen this article about the church burnings:

                        An Orthodox church was set on fire on Monday night in the latest in a series of violent incidents that started when Muslims in Struga took offence at a local carnival.

                        Look at the comments below, they are racist towards macedonians, but i find them funny because the shiptars are talking about how the macedonian government is anti-albanian, and this was a stunt set up by the government. One of the posters even said that all of macedonia's neighbours had to follow the rule while macedonia was a rogue nation doing what ever it wanted with no consequences lol
                        I think these people will forever be "victims" and always want more "rights".

                        Anyway i brought this up because there was one really interesting post from some one, and i think he might be from the prespa region, and perhaps torbesh.This was his response:

                        "All of you, even the people who wrote the article on the
                        website have seriously misjudged and omitted certain information. Anyone who has been to the Struga region or is from nearby regions, will know and will
                        tell you that the village of Labunisht is populated by a majority of MUSLIM MACEDONIANS and a minority of Macedonian Christians- (no Albanians apart from a
                        few women who have married there!). The same is true of Borovec, Podgorce and Oktis. All of these villages including a large minority of people (about a 1000
                        people declaring themselves as 'Turks' in the last census) residing in Struga town are very religious. They can easily be distinguished by their outward appearance of Islamic clothing and their Macedonian speech. (Most do not speak or know how to speak Albanian, and only some children have started to learn the language after the opening of Albanian schools in those villages about a decade
                        ago). A lot of them make fun of Albanians who they consider as not following the proper rules of Islam as women wear short skirts, while men drink alcohol and so on. The only reason why the article had the word ‘Albanian’ and ‘Labunisht’ are in the same sentence, is that in the 2002 census, Ali Ahmeti after a visit
                        to the village used Islamic symbolism regarding the Labunishtars being mosque builders and suppling many a village with an imam in times past, convinced, though not wholly, that they should declare themselves 'Albanians' in the census out of Islamic solidarity (it was the first time that they ever did so, -prior to that it was either ‘Turk’ or Macedonian).

                        However only half or about 2000 people did so with the
                        others still declaring themselves as Macedonians or like with the other 3 villages or those in Struga town declaring themselves as 'Turks'. Most Macedonian speaking Muslims have declared themselves as ‘Turks’ and want nothing to do with the Christian Macedonian majority of their ethnic group, because the Christian Macedonians often label these Macedonian Muslims as 'traitors' and 'Turks' due to their faith. And since the majority has always put inference
                        toward national belonging as being Christian first, most Torbesh as they are also known declare themselves as 'Turks' and express this dissatisfaction being overtly religious even to differentiate themselves from the lax Albanian
                        Muslims who built a statue of mother Teresa in the centre of town next to the crumbling Partisan monument). And despite the efforts of some Albanians to convince them to declare themselves as Albanians, most Muslim Macedonians still declare themselves as Turks whether it is in the Diber or Karshiaka region of Shkup. Labunisht has been and is the only village where Macedonian Muslims have labelled themselves as Albanians in most of the censuses undertaken thus far in
                        Macedonia. Also Labunisht and Vecan are village rivals in an economic sense
                        too. Most Albanians in the area too perceive them as non Albanians, but recognise them as co-religionists. This article should examine why many Macedonian Muslims perceive Macedonian identity as non-applicable to them when they members of the same ethnic group, but just of different faiths. This incident was an internal Macedonian on Macedonian incident and should be
                        treated as such. It is not a Albanian on Macedonian incident as im sure many a racist will come out saying !"

                        Im not sure how reliable his word is, but if infact the people who protested with the saudi flags were torbeshi, and worse case scenario if they were involved with the church burnings, then i think we have truly lost them to the macedonian cause


                        • Big Bad Sven
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 1528

                          Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                          Unbelievable! The Albanians have burned down our church!!!

                          This week 10,000 Macedonians gathered in Skopje's main square to welcome back the Euro-handball players. Let's see how many will gather to protest this barbaric act...
                          Hey Niko, did the macedonians ever do something about their church getting burned down, or were they watching handball replays?

                          You mentioned a possible large protest in struga by macedonians? Did this ever happen


                          • Big Bad Sven
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 1528

                            Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                            Islamic Radicals in Struga creating problems
                            Tuesday, 31 January 2012

                            A cell of wahabis and islamic fundamentalists is at the core of a protest which led to burning of a Macedonian flag which was then replaced by a Saudi(?) flag.
                            The reason for this protest as the city's mayor said is the Vevcani Carnival which had offended muslims in the area.

                            The mayor himself, Ramiz Merko is seen by many as a radical muslim with police sources pointing to him as the organizer of this weekend protest.
                            It all started when an intoxicated ethnic Albanian went to a bookstore and purchased a Macedonian flag and then burned it in front of the county headquarters. Money well spent.
                            What happened after was certainly not spontaneous. Dozen cars showed up packed with people to protest the arrest of the intoxicated Albanian, but at the same time started protesting the Vevcani Carnival?

                            Many of the protesters had lengthy beards, shouted slogans "Death to Christians", something you would see in Saudi Arabia. To complete the shocking image, one of the protesters pulled out a green flag and posted it on the county flag pole.
                            It took police 45 minutes to realize the flag was Saudi, a flag our MINA correspondent says can not be purchased in Macedonia, because shops simply don't carry it.

                            The mayor, Ramiz Merko defended the islamic radicals who shouted "Death to Christians" by demanding apology from the Vevcani mayor for insulting their feelings.
                            According to Merko, Christians don't have feelings, it's only muslims who have them.
                            The wahabi sect in Macedonia is getting increasingly dangerous. The CIA and Interpol have both warned Macedonian police to keep a close eye on the increasing number of wahabis.
                            The wahabis have spread in huge numbers to Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro. Bosnia for instance, although considered a muslim country, has arrested the head of their wahabi sect just a week ago. According to the Bosnian Government, the wahabis were very dangerous!

                            Europe has also taken notice. Holland, France, Belgium... have all banned muslim burqas despite having large muslim populations.
                            In Macedonia, it's been confirmed on numerous occasions by police, media, banks... that the Saudis are paying wahabi radicals (ethnic Albanians) in the country 300 euros per month to force their women to wear burqas and spread their radical views to locals. Interestinly, Albania's large Catholic population does not want to have ties with ethnic Albanians in Macedonia and Kosovo due to their islamic radicalization!

                            Perhaps it's high time Macedonia takes CIA's and Interpol's warnings seriously, arrest mayor Ramiz Merko as he has been at the forefront of encouraging islamic radicals for a decade. //Gorazd Velkovski

                            I hate the Saudi's with a passion, they along with Qatar and other greedy gulf nations is what is ruining islam and giving it a bad name. Hopefully if Iran ever gets into a war with the USA's proxy allies Saudi Arabia or Qatar, it bombs the shit out of them

                            Its funny because for the past 20 or so years we had the likes of Komita and other paranoid greeks and serbs talking about how Turkey was going to take over the balkans with fanatical islam leading the way, when in reality it was Saudi Arabia quietly and slowly doing things in the back ground. Funny how things work out in the end


                            • Big Bad Sven
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 1528

                              Originally posted by Komita View Post
                              Dont worry it's the work of greeks, bulgarians and serbs, maybe some srbomans they are our true enemies this is just fale rumours so they can destroy our sozivot.
                              The funny thing is that Dora bakoyannis used to invite Ali Ahmeti over to Greece to have fancy dinner dates when ever the shiptars and grks wanted to show more pressure towards macedonia....

                              Another sensation story is that their are rumors that Ljubche Geiorgievski and has bugaroman scum used the 2001 "cival war" as a way to divide macedonia between albania and bulgaria, its even been reported that he proposed this idea to the shiptars in macedonia. I would bet bulgaria was also in the background working a few things.

                              And finally who can ever forget the class tale of the serbs giving us a early Christmas present of hundreds of thousands of shiptar refugees.

                              For nations that claim to hate the albanians, they seem to have a good working history when it comes to the destabilization of macedonia


                              • Orovnichanec
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 410

                                Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                                And finally who can ever forget the class tale of the serbs giving us a early Christmas present of hundreds of thousands of shiptar refugees.
                                Not defending any of our neighbors, but this has more to do with our own stupidity.
                                "Oh, Macedonians! It is time we realized that the greatest demon Macedonia must battle against is none other than Bulgaria" - Krste Petkov Misirkov

