Prolet, what you are writing here is a complete and utter misrepresentation of what occurred.
And really, you're talking about a measly $2,000 cost for Public Liability Insurance which could have been taken out by any of the organisations participating or the protest organising body could have incorporated itself and bought public liability insurance it with the money raised for organising the protest. That was not the issue.
At 1:00 am in the morning I can't be bothered setting you right with the truth, nor do I really have the time, nor at this point do I care to do so; go and speak to Miki and he can tell you what really took place.
And really, you're talking about a measly $2,000 cost for Public Liability Insurance which could have been taken out by any of the organisations participating or the protest organising body could have incorporated itself and bought public liability insurance it with the money raised for organising the protest. That was not the issue.
At 1:00 am in the morning I can't be bothered setting you right with the truth, nor do I really have the time, nor at this point do I care to do so; go and speak to Miki and he can tell you what really took place.