Originally posted by freifrau
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You are proposing something - that we compromise, because it's been going on for 20 years. Perhaps you can't solve it passing from a forum, but can you at least accept my position and my right to self determination - and the next time you are in discussion with friends/politicians/scholars, point out to them what my position is as a true Macedonian and also point out Greece's position and how wrong it is - maybe if enough people in the right places do this I might actually have my position acknowledged and accepted and be afforded the basic human right to self determination!
The only thing that could be "accepted" is the unalienable right to self determination.
As for negotiating for 20 years - there hasn't been any negotiating, there has been Greece's demands and Macedonia's refusal to bow to them!
As for the government - they are elected to run the country and as such have no authority to change the people's identity - whilst they may have some manipulative resources at their disposal due to being in power at the time and may have influence over people's opinions by various means, they still don't have the people's authority to change their identity!
The message is "Macedonia - Macedonians - Macedonian Language" and they haven't fully capitulated/compromised, they haven't negotiated anything, proof of this is that the problem Greece has is still there and they are still demanding geographic qualifiers and all sorts of rubbish, they can't leave the conversation because there is still the acronym in current use that needs to be removed! You have the cold hard facts according to you, I have the truth - lets see which prevails!