The Truth about Chaeronea - Macedon vs Greece

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  • TerraNova
    • Nov 2008
    • 473

    You obviously don't know who was on the battlefield.

    PS-This lion has nothing to do with the lion at your avatar...This cat's origin is just East of your granpa's home...


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      No problem TN. Just respond after each post with your opinion on the quotes.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        TerraNova, you are clutching at straws like a typical loser.

        For the disaster at Chaeronea was the beginning of misfortune for all the Greeks...............Pausanias

        ***The Macedonians won, there was no misfortune for them.

        Though they did not fight on the Greek side against Phillip and the Macedonians at Chaeronea, nor later in Thessaly against Antipater, yet they did not actually range themselves against the Greeks.............Pausanias

        ***Who was the Greek side fighting? THE MACEDONIAN SIDE. Wake up and smell the coffee you liar.

        Greek culture and civilization was spread and developed.
        Do you disagree?
        Do you believe that a "Macedonian culture" was spread?
        The Greek tongue and certain cultural elements spread as a by-product of Alexander's campaigns, not because of Alexander's specific intent to turn everybody into "ethnic Hellenes". Of course Macedonian culture was also spread, as was Thracian and others which accompanied the Macedonians to Asia.

        The common lie and misconception of modern Greeks about Phillip, Alexander and the Macedonians, and whether or not they acted in the interest of the Greeks, Greece or a unified "Greek ethnos", is put to bed with this quote:

        This day put an end to the glorious sovereignty and ancient liberty of all Greece.................Justinus

        ***On that same day, the Macedonian Empire was born at the expense of the miserable Greeks. Which Greeks? All of them.

        Greece was now wrought up to a high pitch of expectation at the thought of her future, and her peoples and cities all drew together, Euboeans, Achaeans, Corinthians, Megarians, Leucadians and Corcyraeans……………………Plutarch

        You obviously don't know who was on the battlefield.
        That much is obvious, you don't have a clue.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • Dejan
          • Sep 2008
          • 592

          Hahahaha "You don't even inhabit their lands...". Now i've heard it all.

          Makedonci, how can you put up with the same crap recycled over and over again? This majmun is out of ideas and keeps regurgitating the same old story. I say dispose of him, just as Phillip and the Macedonians disposed of the athenians back in 338 BC.
          You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

          A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


          • makedonin
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1668

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            TN, Is the lion still at Chaeronea?
            Look up here RtG

            The lion is a funeral monument not only to the Theban dead,but to dead Greece. Greece remained a power by it's art and literature,but the Macedonian and then the Roman were it's rulers.

            To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              A great link.
              So much to read there.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • makedonin
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1668

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                A great link.
                So much to read there.
                yep, it speaks volumes.

                something that Terry and Co. don't like to see at all.
                To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Have a look at these idiots and the best they come up with, patting each other on the ass like a bunch little maggots for their sorry and pathetic 'arguments'.

                  None of the quotes I posted on the first page are mentioned, where the ancient authors are clear that this was a battle between Macedonians and Greeks, these jokers speak about the events like they were actually there and could read people's thoughts, basing their 'arguments' on everything but logic and reality.

                  And to top it off, my god I still can't believe these stupid fools, after having the below fabricated quote and OUTRIGHT LIE on the front page of their racist and propagandist website for so long, and then finally taking it down after they were disgraced by Macedonians time and time again when challenged to produce the chapter of where this elusive quote is written, they still mention it like it serves their idiotic purpose.

                  Originally posted by the clown on post #7
                  Holy shadows of the dead, I’m not to blame for your cruel and bitter fate, but the accursed rivalry which brought sister nations and brother people, to fight one another. I do not feel happy for this victory of mine. On the contrary, I would be glad, brothers, if I had all of you standing here next to me, since we are united by the same language, the same blood and the same visions
                  Can one of the Greeks here confirm this apparent "quote" that gets paraded around like some great victory when all it does is highlight what great lunacy many Neohellenes exhibit? These people go around claiming that it is an Alexander 'speech' which was cited by Curtius Rufus.

                  All attempts via Google lead to pathetic little Greek racist forums and greekplanet websites, indeed, they must be on another planet to produce lies like this. They even posted it on wikiquote, unbelievable LIARS!!

                  Holy shadows of the dead, I’m not to blame for your cruel and bitter fate, but the accursed rivalry which brought sister nations and brother people, to fight one another. I do not feel happy for this victory of mine. On the contrary, I would be glad, brothers, if I had all of you standing here next to me, since we are united by the same language, the same blood and the same visions.
                  Alexander the Great addressing the dead Greeks of the battle of Chaeronia. Curtius Rufus, "Historia"
                  WHICH CHAPTER YOU LIARS??

                  If I am proved wrong then let it be, but I have been asking this question from Neohellenic patriots on the internet for the last couple of years and nothing.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • TrueMacedonian
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 3823

                    I think you guys utterly demolished this modern "greek" lie ten fold. The maggots (as if those ArvanitoSlavoVlachs have anything to do with ancient anything) will toss around more mixed facts, 20th century philhellenic texts, and utter trash and they are still proved wrong.
                    This ancient quote says alot to me:

                    Darius’ Greeks fought to thrust the Macedonians back into the water and save the day for their left wing, already in retreat, while the Macedonians, in their turn, with Alexander’s triumph plain before their eyes, were determined to equal his success and not forfeit the proud title of invincible, hitherto universally bestowed upon them. The fight was further embittered by the old racial rivalry of Greek and Macedonian. [p.119]

                    [Arrian 2.10]


                    • Вардарец
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 122

                      This quote can go against every modern neohellenic lie.

                      When Phillip had once come into Greece, allured by the plunder of a few cities, and had formed an opinion, from the spoil of such towns as were of less note, how great must be the riches of all its cities put together, he resolved to make war upon the whole of Greece...............Justinus

                      When Philip had once come into Greece. WTF, wasn't he living in Greece? Wasn't Macedonian Greek? My my my ......
                      For the glory of the Hellenes! Abandon orthodoxy and join your true religion! Zeus awaits you!

