Originally posted by Karposh
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Like you said, ill be more careful when quoting Greek sources.
Regarding the videos Amphipolis posted, i don't know why he expected we would understand what was going on since it was in the Greek language. Though i did sense (after years of experience with Greeks) that its was something disingenuous on his behalf and wasn't interested in conversing with him because i have re-evaluated my life priorities long ago, and paying attention to insincerity is long gone. Also the fact i am also aware to beware of Greeks bearing gifts

But regarding those videos and Amphipolis brief translation of content in those "Greek produced" videos, i find it strange how Greeks claim everything is pure Greek direct descendants of Ancient Greeks but on this occasion, they are attempting to prove impurity, i cant get my head around as to why. Mabe, just maybe since they are aware of the history of that particular village, such as the pride, heroism and having a Macedonian consciousness..... it could be that they feel its like flogging a dead horse trying to sustain the Greekness of that particular village. Like i said, i don't know, and im just speculating. I will also say, when i last visited the region, i noticed something very peculiar about Macedonian villages in Northern Greece that majority are known to be pro Macedonian. These villages are very neglected, such as poor infrastructure. It would be plausible to think its some kind of punishment, abandonment and not hard to guess why.
Finally, in-particular my ancestry side of this argument. Like LOM said, due to "Probably stuff that's been posted in these forums, couldn't quote any" at this moment...... in the 18th 19th century possibly earlier right up to the end of the Ottoman occupation, Vlachs were known as sheep or goat farmers. There are also some sources suggesting a "Vlach" wasn't meant in an ethnic sense, but a profession. Now im only going by those clues.... that i say i doubt my ancestors were Vlachs due to the history of our surname "Shapazoi" which was brought on due to an unfortunate event where their cattle contracted a disease known at the time in Macedonian as "Shapa" or "Shapka" which ive brought up previously and the fact they were cattle farmers. It probably isnt a strong argument, but unless i can get a hold of an time machine, this is all i have got to play with and i am sure there are many instances where today's known history, is based on such little but deemed plausible evidence.